Wednesday, March 11, 2009

High Hard Closed Cervix

The final blow to Italians abroad

finally talk about it openly. And to think that the signs were there for so long. But now there are both. The words and deeds. And both say the same: elimination of the Italian representatives elected abroad.
"But what about Max, raving?" Seem to think my dear reader. And it does not. And I'll dimostero '. Read below and see if my words are plucked out of thin air or a serious possibility '.

words. Statements about the uselessness' of the Italian representatives elected abroad abound. The first statement we have from the beginning of last legislature. In the Italian representatives abroad were crucial to elect a majority, but were unable to take advantage of what 'to benefit his constituents. Instead they were almost completely inconsistent and, quite rightly, many of them were not reelected. In this legislature are not conclusive and their weight and importance and 'been reduced drastically. And again the rumors about their elimination by the Italian parliament have returned more insistently. Certainly not helped the folk character of some of them or some irregularities' even criminal who threw a heavy shadow over the whole their class. Gia 'heel (indirectly) by pimps, the money was wasted italiano, si sa che la implacabile scure del Ministero delle Finanze sta cercando di eliminare tutte le spese considerate inutili. Difatti l’intera categoria degli italiani all’estero hanno subito una riduzione nel bilancio dello stato quasi epocale che testimonia la scarsa attenzione di questo governo agli italiani all’estero. E’ inutile nasconderlo. E’ un fatto. Cio’ altro non e’ che la continuazione di cio’ che e’ avvenuto in passato con il precedente governo, di opposta tendenza politica. Solo che le dichiarazioni sembrano anticipare un disegno di eliminazione della categoria dei rappresentanti italiani all’estero.

I fatti. Sembra ormai un fuggi-fuggi. Tra candidati a governi stranieri and Italian regions, provinces and municipalities, it seems that the Italian representatives abroad use their elected office as a springboard for a career in other disputes, often Italian. Nothing wrong with a politician decides to change the lens. However, when exercising it 'already' and a charge for which 'complaint was elected at least lack of attention to the people of his constituents, not to mention their betrayal. The transformation and 'an ancient evil of Italian politics. But they probably had never seen that in a few months or a few years now opted for another elected public office in the house or in another country without too many compliments for his former constituents. But the question
e’: sara’ che questa scelta di cambiamento di campo e’ anche motivato dall’aria che tira, dal fiutare che ormai per i rappresentanti italiani eletti all’estero siamo alla frutta e che e’ meglio scegliersi un’altra carriera prima di rimanere a piedi?

Eh si mio caro lettore, parole e fatti sembrano andare in un’unica direzione: farla finita con i rappresentanti italiani eletti all’estero. Ma e’ un bene o un male?
Per cio’ che hanno prodotto (quasi niente) sembrerebbe essere un bene e tuttavia non lo e’. Ma ci vuole una seria correzione. Per evitare un trasformismo sfacciato bisogna che nell’esercizio del loro mandato gli eletti all’estero si representatives of the community to support it 'Italian abroad. But not to other institutions and Comites baroque, without any contact with reality '. But the true representatives of the community ', those who have the pulse of the situation, who know their needs and are able to act on their behalf. Without them the Italian MPs elected abroad will be free to be enticed by the temptations of power and forget where they come from and their communities'. Becoming a truly unnecessary cost that the ax could cut from the Treasury.


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