Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Masterbation With Buzzar Items


Masterbation With Buzzar Items


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sentinel Ultrapro Emulator

The Human Ecology

Mi sono sempre chiesto come mai la politica si disinteressi delle conoscenze accumulate dall'Ecologia. Inizio oggi una serie di post sull'ecologia umana che qualcuno può trovare interessanti mentre altri le troveranno abominevoli, la prova che la Scienza è al servizio di qualche potere oscuro alla ricerca del controllo globale dell'umanità. Citerò ampiamente il libro di Eugene P. Odum "Principi di Ecologia".

Ecologia Umana Applicata.

La biodiversità (diversità di specie) è una necessità, non solo un aspetto piacevole della vita.

Il concetto di riciclo deve diventare il fine più importante della società.

I understand that natural resources and living space are not absolute, but in a close relationship of mutual limitation has led to a historic revolution of ideas "which could mean that the man is finally ready to apply to the principles of large-scale ecological monitoring. (Odum he said this in the early 70 ', now would be much less optimistic. Ed)

technology alone can not solve the problem of overpopulation and pollution, should become effective for the moral, economic and conditions that arise from the understanding, by all that man and his environment are as one.

Earth can take life more "warm bodies" kept as pets in pastures contaminated (including animal husbandry. Ed) that human beings worthy of being called men, who have the right to a healthy environment, to personal freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

These tracks ( chosen by the aforementioned book by Odum) lead to the same conclusion: it's time to control the human population and consumption of resources on which humans depend.

Sentinel Ultrapro Emulator

The Human Ecology

Mi sono sempre chiesto come mai la politica si disinteressi delle conoscenze accumulate dall'Ecologia. Inizio oggi una serie di post sull'ecologia umana che qualcuno può trovare interessanti mentre altri le troveranno abominevoli, la prova che la Scienza è al servizio di qualche potere oscuro alla ricerca del controllo globale dell'umanità. Citerò ampiamente il libro di Eugene P. Odum "Principi di Ecologia".

Ecologia Umana Applicata.

La biodiversità (diversità di specie) è una necessità, non solo un aspetto piacevole della vita.

Il concetto di riciclo deve diventare il fine più importante della società.

I understand that natural resources and living space are not absolute, but in a close relationship of mutual limitation has led to a historic revolution of ideas "which could mean that the man is finally ready to apply to the principles of large-scale ecological monitoring. (Odum he said this in the early 70 ', now would be much less optimistic. Ed)

technology alone can not solve the problem of overpopulation and pollution, should become effective for the moral, economic and conditions that arise from the understanding, by all that man and his environment are as one.

Earth can take life more "warm bodies" kept as pets in pastures contaminated (including animal husbandry. Ed) that human beings worthy of being called men, who have the right to a healthy environment, to personal freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

These tracks ( chosen by the aforementioned book by Odum) lead to the same conclusion: it's time to control the human population and consumption of resources on which humans depend.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Long Can Fish Sticks Stay In The Freezer

Italy-Libya: the dirty truth

"Dear Max system you speak of all Italy 'foreign to justify the" protection "from Qaddafi's' Italy. But this is only part of the truth. The analysis of Sergio Romano in Corriere della Sera is also very acute, when he says that all Italian governments have supported Gaddafi in recent decades. But this is also part of the truth.
The whole truth is much more 'complex'. Who sits in front of me is an old friend. An expert in international relations, international finance expert, John has the face and dug deep lines that run through the face. He looks like someone who knows a lot. But listen to what 'he says.

"In Actually the relationship between the Italai and Libya are of long standing. Italy colonized Libya for almost 40 years. But it was after, with the advent of Gaddafi, who was paid the Pact of Steel between el Gaddafi 'Italy. The covenant was as follows: Gaddafi save capitalism from attacks inside and estrni Italian Italy Gaddafi saved by internal and external attacks.
The pact has always worked fine.
There is a lot of hypocrisy on the kiss of Berlusconi to Gaddafi. For decades before Gaddafi was protected militarily by Italy, with supplies of love, ammunition, sending mercenaries and even protection of the 'Italian army and sending confidential information.
Non è stato proprio Andreotti ad ammettere che quando gli americani decisero di farla finita con Gheddafi e di bombardarlo fu proprio Bettino Craxi a telefonare a Gheddafi ed ad avvertirlo di fuggire prima del bombardamento americano. E l’ episodio di Sigonella quando Craxi salvo’ Gheddafi dai caccia americani?
L’Italia politica ha fatto molto, moltissimo per la vita politica di Gheddafi.
Ma anche Gheddafi ha fatto moltissimo per il capitalismo italiano. C’è da dire che il capitalismo italiano ha sempre avuto una rete di sicurezza in Gheddafi, questi è stato come si dice in inglese il protettore di “last resort” del capitalismo italiano.

Vedi la Fiat, che era praticamente fallita when the Libyan investment fund became the largest financial investor in the past. The same applies to the leading Italian bank, Unicredit, which has as its main investor of the new Libya. And the group is large state enterprise, with strong presence in Libya? And the 'Impregilo, with orders worth millions in Libya? And even Juventus, the most 'noble Italian football team? Not to mention the large number of Libyan investments in medium-sized companies in Italy and Libya.

The agreement is as follows: whenever the major Italian companies are likely to fall into foreign hands Libya intervene and "save." Then when the economic situation improves Libya dall'azionariato out. He has always worked perfectly.

Gaddafi has two very clear: he's crazy to tie, it's a bloody that killed its own people to stay in power even using the gas if necessary. But it is also very intelligent and knew exactly how capitalism works. He knows that without the support of capitalism would fall for this immediately was surrounded by Praetorian Guard, mercenaries and have little confidence in his army. He knows that only intertwined with capitalism can 'survive.
has in hand the best of Italian capitalism. And all this without speaking of 'that ENI would sink without him. It is for this reason that ENI does not send home its technicians? Did he not fear that invadrebbero insurgents now "his" territory?

But now the situation has changed. Gaddafi is exterminating his people and the media is more 'difficult part of' Italy. Maybe for Italian politicians (right and left alike) would remain there without problems. But Gaddafi has gone too far. The Italian military bases are located on high alert. It is said that Gaddafi and Berlusconi is blackmailing Italian capitalism. He says that if he jumps jumping all. Not only politicians but all of Berlusconi and Italian companies. The game has become very dangerous. Someone already is thinking of turning him out.
The problem is that the situation is so 'that the Italians uncertain hanno paura che chi viene dopo di Gheddafi non manterrà il patto con il capitalismo italiano. Già le insurrezioni nel paese stanno mettendo a repentagli i giacimenti dell’ ENI. Che succederà? Non lo sa nessuno.
Quello che è certo è che questa storia delle relazioni Italia- Libia è veramente una sporca storia”.

How Long Can Fish Sticks Stay In The Freezer

Italy-Libya: the dirty truth

"Dear Max system you speak of all Italy 'foreign to justify the" protection "from Qaddafi's' Italy. But this is only part of the truth. The analysis of Sergio Romano in Corriere della Sera is also very acute, when he says that all Italian governments have supported Gaddafi in recent decades. But this is also part of the truth.
The whole truth is much more 'complex'. Who sits in front of me is an old friend. An expert in international relations, international finance expert, John has the face and dug deep lines that run through the face. He looks like someone who knows a lot. But listen to what 'he says.

"In Actually the relationship between the Italai and Libya are of long standing. Italy colonized Libya for almost 40 years. But it was after, with the advent of Gaddafi, who was paid the Pact of Steel between el Gaddafi 'Italy. The covenant was as follows: Gaddafi save capitalism from attacks inside and estrni Italian Italy Gaddafi saved by internal and external attacks.
The pact has always worked fine.
There is a lot of hypocrisy on the kiss of Berlusconi to Gaddafi. For decades before Gaddafi was protected militarily by Italy, with supplies of love, ammunition, sending mercenaries and even protection of the 'Italian army and sending confidential information.
Non è stato proprio Andreotti ad ammettere che quando gli americani decisero di farla finita con Gheddafi e di bombardarlo fu proprio Bettino Craxi a telefonare a Gheddafi ed ad avvertirlo di fuggire prima del bombardamento americano. E l’ episodio di Sigonella quando Craxi salvo’ Gheddafi dai caccia americani?
L’Italia politica ha fatto molto, moltissimo per la vita politica di Gheddafi.
Ma anche Gheddafi ha fatto moltissimo per il capitalismo italiano. C’è da dire che il capitalismo italiano ha sempre avuto una rete di sicurezza in Gheddafi, questi è stato come si dice in inglese il protettore di “last resort” del capitalismo italiano.

Vedi la Fiat, che era praticamente fallita when the Libyan investment fund became the largest financial investor in the past. The same applies to the leading Italian bank, Unicredit, which has as its main investor of the new Libya. And the group is large state enterprise, with strong presence in Libya? And the 'Impregilo, with orders worth millions in Libya? And even Juventus, the most 'noble Italian football team? Not to mention the large number of Libyan investments in medium-sized companies in Italy and Libya.

The agreement is as follows: whenever the major Italian companies are likely to fall into foreign hands Libya intervene and "save." Then when the economic situation improves Libya dall'azionariato out. He has always worked perfectly.

Gaddafi has two very clear: he's crazy to tie, it's a bloody that killed its own people to stay in power even using the gas if necessary. But it is also very intelligent and knew exactly how capitalism works. He knows that without the support of capitalism would fall for this immediately was surrounded by Praetorian Guard, mercenaries and have little confidence in his army. He knows that only intertwined with capitalism can 'survive.
has in hand the best of Italian capitalism. And all this without speaking of 'that ENI would sink without him. It is for this reason that ENI does not send home its technicians? Did he not fear that invadrebbero insurgents now "his" territory?

But now the situation has changed. Gaddafi is exterminating his people and the media is more 'difficult part of' Italy. Maybe for Italian politicians (right and left alike) would remain there without problems. But Gaddafi has gone too far. The Italian military bases are located on high alert. It is said that Gaddafi and Berlusconi is blackmailing Italian capitalism. He says that if he jumps jumping all. Not only politicians but all of Berlusconi and Italian companies. The game has become very dangerous. Someone already is thinking of turning him out.
The problem is that the situation is so 'that the Italians uncertain hanno paura che chi viene dopo di Gheddafi non manterrà il patto con il capitalismo italiano. Già le insurrezioni nel paese stanno mettendo a repentagli i giacimenti dell’ ENI. Che succederà? Non lo sa nessuno.
Quello che è certo è che questa storia delle relazioni Italia- Libia è veramente una sporca storia”.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

D2nt Leaves Game When It Joins


Benevento, a city of witches welcome all subbuteisti haunted since childhood by this powerful spell of thumbnails that still surrounds us and binds us to the heart. A Sabbath of walkers, three touches, back on the fly, off side, off the sidelines and networks swollen to fill a day of Benevento. The Old Subbuteo Club Benevento and 'glad to announce the organization of the second edition of Caudium Cup tournament following the success of last year, a grant with a twist, starting from the location that will be the local headquarters of the Old Subbuteo Club Benevento, Campania already the scene of the 2010 Champions Tournament. News also for the participants: the tournament will indeed challenge the olders from central and southern regions only of our country, and not coincidentally the name chosen for this year's tournament is "THE Caudium CUP 2011 - SOUTH ITALY OLD TOURNAMENT SUBBUTEO" on confirmation that the event itself as a true "championship" of the South Central Italy. Tournament of calls, that to meet the growing number of "olders" and old subbuteo club in the central southern part of the boot, will be designed for a greater number of participants compared with 32 the previous edition, in fact there will be room for 64 players divided between the various regions of the club central-southern Italy with the addition of some wild cards. The event will take place over a single race day from 9:30 am to Sunday, April 3, 2011 at the clubhouse at the Old subbuteo club benevento

D2nt Leaves Game When It Joins


Benevento, a city of witches welcome all subbuteisti haunted since childhood by this powerful spell of thumbnails that still surrounds us and binds us to the heart. A Sabbath of walkers, three touches, back on the fly, off side, off the sidelines and networks swollen to fill a day of Benevento. The Old Subbuteo Club Benevento and 'glad to announce the organization of the second edition of Caudium Cup tournament following the success of last year, a grant with a twist, starting from the location that will be the local headquarters of the Old Subbuteo Club Benevento, Campania already the scene of the 2010 Champions Tournament. News also for the participants: the tournament will indeed challenge the olders from central and southern regions only of our country, and not coincidentally the name chosen for this year's tournament is "THE Caudium CUP 2011 - SOUTH ITALY OLD TOURNAMENT SUBBUTEO" on confirmation that the event itself as a true "championship" of the South Central Italy. Tournament of calls, that to meet the growing number of "olders" and old subbuteo club in the central southern part of the boot, will be designed for a greater number of participants compared with 32 the previous edition, in fact there will be room for 64 players divided between the various regions of the club central-southern Italy with the addition of some wild cards. The event will take place over a single race day from 9:30 am to Sunday, April 3, 2011 at the clubhouse at the Old subbuteo club benevento

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Present Poems For Recieving Money

Wikileaks, the Peak and us.

Today, I refer you to the new comments on Wikileaks revelations about the capacity produttiva dell'Arabia Saudita che ha permesso per decenni di controllare il prezzo del barile. ASPO lo dice da anni, Matt Simmons ci ha scritto un libro "Twilight in the desert" (ridicolizzato da alcuni appena il prezzo del barile ha iniziato la discesa post crisi nel 2008). Non mi voglio dilungare, cito direttamente il commento di oggi del blog fratello Petrolio di Debora Billi.


Tanti saluti a tutti. Soprattutto a quelli che ridicolizzavano la nostra insistenza sul tema del picco del petrolio. Non c'era bisogno di Wikileaks, bastava leggere meno idiozie dalla cronachetta quotidiana fornita dal sistema dell'informazione- spettacolo, quella that seems to determine the political agenda, and dig a bit 'deeper into the real world.

Present Poems For Recieving Money

Wikileaks, the Peak and us.

Today, I refer you to the new comments on Wikileaks revelations about the capacity produttiva dell'Arabia Saudita che ha permesso per decenni di controllare il prezzo del barile. ASPO lo dice da anni, Matt Simmons ci ha scritto un libro "Twilight in the desert" (ridicolizzato da alcuni appena il prezzo del barile ha iniziato la discesa post crisi nel 2008). Non mi voglio dilungare, cito direttamente il commento di oggi del blog fratello Petrolio di Debora Billi.


Tanti saluti a tutti. Soprattutto a quelli che ridicolizzavano la nostra insistenza sul tema del picco del petrolio. Non c'era bisogno di Wikileaks, bastava leggere meno idiozie dalla cronachetta quotidiana fornita dal sistema dell'informazione- spettacolo, quella that seems to determine the political agenda, and dig a bit 'deeper into the real world.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Incesti Italiani 11.avi

What happens in the Nile valley? The

We followed the newspapers and on television the escalation of unrest in the countries of North Africa, culminating with the week of the Revolution of Cyclamen in Egypt. Almost all of the tests (at least those I have personally read and heard in the media) should be just beyond the surface facts. The oppressive and totalitarian regimes, the economic crisis, there is no future for young people, etc..

On January 15, Toufic el Asmar wrote on the blog of ASPO, a historical reconstruction of Arab frustration and political reasons for these riots, with a significant post entitled Not everything is a result of peak oil or climate change .

few days ago on The Oil Drum, Gail Tvenberg proposed a different interpretation of the situation Egyptian that goes hand in its direction opposite to that of Toufic, I summarize here for the sake of debate, not to present a revealed truth.

What's behind the Egyptian Revolution?
Egypt has a system of subsidies for food and energy, and its revenues are from exports of oil and gas to provide the funds to keep this up on welfare and the consequent social harmony. As shown in the chart below, dalla metà degli anni novanta le esportazioni di petrolio sono andate declinando, in corrispondenza con il Picco locale della produzione petrolifera, e attualmente, i circa 680.000 barili al giorno di produzione sono consumati totalmente all'interno del paese. In pratica l'Egitto è diventato un importatore di petrolio.

Contemporaneamente pur essendo cresciuta la produzione di gas la sua esportazione è rimasta costante dal 2005.

Lo spazio per continuare a sostenere i sussidi interni per prodotti petroliferi e gas si è perciò andato restringendo e la situazione financial of the country has deteriorated. Further pressure on the budget derived the general increase in food, particularly cereals to which Egypt is one of the main importers (Egypt imports 40% of food grain and 60%) and increasing population that in a decade has grown from just over 60 million people to nearly 80 million defeating any country's economic progress.

An increase of 2% per year. As noted, the period of the Pharaohs, the Egyptian population lives a very small strip of land along the banks of the Nile, the rest del paese è sostanzialmente desertico. E' importante notare che un ulteriore fonte di reddito per il paese si è ridotta a causa del minore traffico attraverso il Canale di Suez seguito alla crisi economica ed alla recessione che ha colpito l'Europa. Fra il 2004 e il 2008 il governo ha perseguito una politica di riforme dell'economia finalizzate ad attrarre investimenti dall'estero per garantire la crescita. Ma questa crescita si è distribuita in modo ineguale nella popolazione e se l'Egitto nel 2001 era un paese ragionevolmente egualitario in termini di distribuzione del reddito (indice di Gini 34,4% prossimo a quello della Gran Bretagna) oggi lo è molto meno.

2+2 fa sempre 4.

Incesti Italiani 11.avi

What happens in the Nile valley? The

We followed the newspapers and on television the escalation of unrest in the countries of North Africa, culminating with the week of the Revolution of Cyclamen in Egypt. Almost all of the tests (at least those I have personally read and heard in the media) should be just beyond the surface facts. The oppressive and totalitarian regimes, the economic crisis, there is no future for young people, etc..

On January 15, Toufic el Asmar wrote on the blog of ASPO, a historical reconstruction of Arab frustration and political reasons for these riots, with a significant post entitled Not everything is a result of peak oil or climate change .

few days ago on The Oil Drum, Gail Tvenberg proposed a different interpretation of the situation Egyptian that goes hand in its direction opposite to that of Toufic, I summarize here for the sake of debate, not to present a revealed truth.

What's behind the Egyptian Revolution?
Egypt has a system of subsidies for food and energy, and its revenues are from exports of oil and gas to provide the funds to keep this up on welfare and the consequent social harmony. As shown in the chart below, dalla metà degli anni novanta le esportazioni di petrolio sono andate declinando, in corrispondenza con il Picco locale della produzione petrolifera, e attualmente, i circa 680.000 barili al giorno di produzione sono consumati totalmente all'interno del paese. In pratica l'Egitto è diventato un importatore di petrolio.

Contemporaneamente pur essendo cresciuta la produzione di gas la sua esportazione è rimasta costante dal 2005.

Lo spazio per continuare a sostenere i sussidi interni per prodotti petroliferi e gas si è perciò andato restringendo e la situazione financial of the country has deteriorated. Further pressure on the budget derived the general increase in food, particularly cereals to which Egypt is one of the main importers (Egypt imports 40% of food grain and 60%) and increasing population that in a decade has grown from just over 60 million people to nearly 80 million defeating any country's economic progress.

An increase of 2% per year. As noted, the period of the Pharaohs, the Egyptian population lives a very small strip of land along the banks of the Nile, the rest del paese è sostanzialmente desertico. E' importante notare che un ulteriore fonte di reddito per il paese si è ridotta a causa del minore traffico attraverso il Canale di Suez seguito alla crisi economica ed alla recessione che ha colpito l'Europa. Fra il 2004 e il 2008 il governo ha perseguito una politica di riforme dell'economia finalizzate ad attrarre investimenti dall'estero per garantire la crescita. Ma questa crescita si è distribuita in modo ineguale nella popolazione e se l'Egitto nel 2001 era un paese ragionevolmente egualitario in termini di distribuzione del reddito (indice di Gini 34,4% prossimo a quello della Gran Bretagna) oggi lo è molto meno.

2+2 fa sempre 4.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Benefits From Not Masterbateing


full day of recovery today at the Club House of P . za Colonna. In fact have been played most of the races have not played before for various reasons more 'even in advance of the eleventh day (unbelievable but true).
subbuteistica The day sees the confirmation of Vasco (frank80), which again takes the top by winning the seventh win in seven games. Closely followed the Avai (Goodbye s.) and Cruzeiro (old65), and next Saturday big match tra questi ultimi e il Vasco. Recupera bene l'Atletico Goianiense (luca) che con le gare recuperate oggi (e ne mancano ancora due) si insedia al quarto posto solitario. Costante l'Internacional di mr. supersonic, male il Gremio Prudente di Morris (ma che sta succedendo al mister giallorosso?), la piazza e' in fermento contestazioni sotto la sede e panchina in bilico. Per un posto in champions della regione campania bene il Sao Paulo (Prince93) e lotta per l'ultimo posto disponibile tra il Bahia (telesia) ed il Gremio (HW+).

Ecco lo score della giornata:

ATL. GOIANIENSE - PALMEIRAS ....................3-0

CRUZEIRO - ATL. GOIANIENSE ......................4-0

FLUMINENSE - ATL. PARANAENSE ...................1-1

FLAMENGO - PALMEIRAS ...............................3-0
GREMIO - VASCO .........................................0-3

PALMEIRAS - SAO PAULO ..............................0-3
VASCO - GREMIO PRUDENTE .........................3-0
BAHIA - CRUZEIRO .......................................0-4

SAO PAULO - FLAMENGO ...............................1-0
ATL. MINEIRO - ATL. GOIANIENSE ..................2-3
GREMIO - PALMEIRAS ....................................3-0
AVAI - INTERNACIONAL .................................2-0
GREMIO P. - SAO CAETANO ...........................3-0
CRUZEIRO - VASCO......................................RINVIATA
SANTOS - BAHIA ..........................................RINVIATA

BAHIA - ATL. PARANAENSE ............................2-0

In serata svolti anche i sorteggi della Coppa do Brasil (Coppa di Lega)



GROUP C: AVAI (S. GOODBYE) - Cruzeiro (OLD65) - Internacional (SUPERSONIC) - Palmeiras (GREYFOX)

GROUP D: VASCO (FRANK80) - SANTOS (ERPRINCIPE77) - Flamengo (Offtopic) - ATL. Mineiro (RAWLINGS)

Benefits From Not Masterbateing


full day of recovery today at the Club House of P . za Colonna. In fact have been played most of the races have not played before for various reasons more 'even in advance of the eleventh day (unbelievable but true).
subbuteistica The day sees the confirmation of Vasco (frank80), which again takes the top by winning the seventh win in seven games. Closely followed the Avai (Goodbye s.) and Cruzeiro (old65), and next Saturday big match tra questi ultimi e il Vasco. Recupera bene l'Atletico Goianiense (luca) che con le gare recuperate oggi (e ne mancano ancora due) si insedia al quarto posto solitario. Costante l'Internacional di mr. supersonic, male il Gremio Prudente di Morris (ma che sta succedendo al mister giallorosso?), la piazza e' in fermento contestazioni sotto la sede e panchina in bilico. Per un posto in champions della regione campania bene il Sao Paulo (Prince93) e lotta per l'ultimo posto disponibile tra il Bahia (telesia) ed il Gremio (HW+).

Ecco lo score della giornata:

ATL. GOIANIENSE - PALMEIRAS ....................3-0

CRUZEIRO - ATL. GOIANIENSE ......................4-0

FLUMINENSE - ATL. PARANAENSE ...................1-1

FLAMENGO - PALMEIRAS ...............................3-0
GREMIO - VASCO .........................................0-3

PALMEIRAS - SAO PAULO ..............................0-3
VASCO - GREMIO PRUDENTE .........................3-0
BAHIA - CRUZEIRO .......................................0-4

SAO PAULO - FLAMENGO ...............................1-0
ATL. MINEIRO - ATL. GOIANIENSE ..................2-3
GREMIO - PALMEIRAS ....................................3-0
AVAI - INTERNACIONAL .................................2-0
GREMIO P. - SAO CAETANO ...........................3-0
CRUZEIRO - VASCO......................................RINVIATA
SANTOS - BAHIA ..........................................RINVIATA

BAHIA - ATL. PARANAENSE ............................2-0

In serata svolti anche i sorteggi della Coppa do Brasil (Coppa di Lega)



GROUP C: AVAI (S. GOODBYE) - Cruzeiro (OLD65) - Internacional (SUPERSONIC) - Palmeiras (GREYFOX)

GROUP D: VASCO (FRANK80) - SANTOS (ERPRINCIPE77) - Flamengo (Offtopic) - ATL. Mineiro (RAWLINGS)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Face Tan Before And After

Holidays in Copacabana with Baptists

"Caro Max questa che si racconta e´davvero incredibile. Qui a Rio si dice che alcuni tour operator stanno gia´ organizzando viaggi tour di Rio de Janeiro in cui si spiera´da lontano l´assassino Battisti prendendo la tintarella a Copacabana.
Quando lo scarcereranno a Febbraio dovrebbe scomparire per un po´e poi sara´ lanciato come romantico romanziere di success. It is said that the publishers at odds to publish his books in Italy.

Sara'considerato comeun Robin Hood, a romantic adventurer, a new Che Guevara. It seems that receives giu'decine of love letters, his poor persecuted by the Italian courts. And women all over the world go crazy for guys like him. Then

concedera'interviste pay discutera'i terrible years in which the lead when he was persecuted by the creeping dictatorship Italian, tried to save the world with his thoughts. Finally
descrivera'nei his books the incredible adventure of flight in France and Brazil, hounded by representatives of the counter-informazione.Ed finally 's arrival in the land of freedom ', Brazil, where men are truly free, not as in Fascist Italy today where only the rich are in power.

The books will be a huge success, and he sara'santificato vivra'di annuity.

After he and politically persecuted, practically also said Lula.
The four dead killed by treachery? All lies.
And the scene from the film when he hid in a corner and pretended to kiss the love of the moment, aspetto'con terrible coldness that the policeman came out from the door and then, leaving aside the accomplice who kissed freddo'senza pieta'e cowardly behind the guy?
piu'di 30 years have passed, we forget the past, forget everything.

And then our government, the Foreign Ministry, has shown an incredible efficiency systematically fail every opportunity to involve the community 'Italo-Brazilian e'accanita you want to do everything himself and has blatantly lost all the battles on the case.
If Italy were a serious country the minister would resign, but the poiche'non e'sara'anche sanctified, you'll see. "
There diro'la truth ': after the favela tour, the tour of the favela in Rio, I did not expect the Baptists tour.

Brazil and 'a very creative country. Italy seems to be only interested in the amorous adventures of our Prime Minister.
Pare che alcuni rappresentanti del governo e dell´ opposizione in Italia hanno gia´prenotato i voli per il Carnevale di Rio.
Quest´anno il Carnevale sara´ai primi dimarzo.
Se il Tribunale Supremo brasiliano si riunira´per decidere la sorte di Battisti in Febbraio,Battisti dovrebbe essere gia´libero prima del carnevale.

A questo punto cé´da scommettere che nei Battisti tour ci saranno anche alcuni nostri parlamentari in vacanza,magari solo per sbiarciare da lontano con invidia questo tipo che e´riuscito a diventare un eroe in Brasile mentre loro sono considerati dei soldati senza valore in Italia.

Face Tan Before And After

Holidays in Copacabana with Baptists

"Caro Max questa che si racconta e´davvero incredibile. Qui a Rio si dice che alcuni tour operator stanno gia´ organizzando viaggi tour di Rio de Janeiro in cui si spiera´da lontano l´assassino Battisti prendendo la tintarella a Copacabana.
Quando lo scarcereranno a Febbraio dovrebbe scomparire per un po´e poi sara´ lanciato come romantico romanziere di success. It is said that the publishers at odds to publish his books in Italy.

Sara'considerato comeun Robin Hood, a romantic adventurer, a new Che Guevara. It seems that receives giu'decine of love letters, his poor persecuted by the Italian courts. And women all over the world go crazy for guys like him. Then

concedera'interviste pay discutera'i terrible years in which the lead when he was persecuted by the creeping dictatorship Italian, tried to save the world with his thoughts. Finally
descrivera'nei his books the incredible adventure of flight in France and Brazil, hounded by representatives of the counter-informazione.Ed finally 's arrival in the land of freedom ', Brazil, where men are truly free, not as in Fascist Italy today where only the rich are in power.

The books will be a huge success, and he sara'santificato vivra'di annuity.

After he and politically persecuted, practically also said Lula.
The four dead killed by treachery? All lies.
And the scene from the film when he hid in a corner and pretended to kiss the love of the moment, aspetto'con terrible coldness that the policeman came out from the door and then, leaving aside the accomplice who kissed freddo'senza pieta'e cowardly behind the guy?
piu'di 30 years have passed, we forget the past, forget everything.

And then our government, the Foreign Ministry, has shown an incredible efficiency systematically fail every opportunity to involve the community 'Italo-Brazilian e'accanita you want to do everything himself and has blatantly lost all the battles on the case.
If Italy were a serious country the minister would resign, but the poiche'non e'sara'anche sanctified, you'll see. "
There diro'la truth ': after the favela tour, the tour of the favela in Rio, I did not expect the Baptists tour.

Brazil and 'a very creative country. Italy seems to be only interested in the amorous adventures of our Prime Minister.
Pare che alcuni rappresentanti del governo e dell´ opposizione in Italia hanno gia´prenotato i voli per il Carnevale di Rio.
Quest´anno il Carnevale sara´ai primi dimarzo.
Se il Tribunale Supremo brasiliano si riunira´per decidere la sorte di Battisti in Febbraio,Battisti dovrebbe essere gia´libero prima del carnevale.

A questo punto cé´da scommettere che nei Battisti tour ci saranno anche alcuni nostri parlamentari in vacanza,magari solo per sbiarciare da lontano con invidia questo tipo che e´riuscito a diventare un eroe in Brasile mentre loro sono considerati dei soldati senza valore in Italia.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ratchet And Clank Rhino V

Saturday 22/01/11

Fluminense - ATL. Paranaense (SPOWN - NIKBOY)

FLAMENGO DAY VIII - Palmeiras (Offtopic - GREYFOX90)
BAHIA - CRUISE (Teles - OLD65) Alla luce degli

incontri di cui abbiamo sopra la seguente situazione di partite of recoveringtheir:

- LUCA .............. ..... 5 GARE IN MENO
- GREYFOX90 - NIKBOY ............. 3 GARE IN MENO
- SPOWN, OffTopic, HW +, PRINCE93, GOODBYE S., MORRIS, Teles ........ a game in hand

These races should be completely recovered by the end of January. If at the next meeting at the Club House will miss' one of the contestants (and do not give 'prior notice of absence) the race will be' assigned with an automatic loss.

So in light of the situation created Saturday, January 30 will be 'held only the tenth day of the championship with the following matches:

SAO PAULO - Flamengo (PRINCE93 - Offtopic)
GREMIO P. - SAO CAETANO ......................... 3-0
riposo: Fluminense (SPOWN)

Ratchet And Clank Rhino V

Saturday 22/01/11

Fluminense - ATL. Paranaense (SPOWN - NIKBOY)

FLAMENGO DAY VIII - Palmeiras (Offtopic - GREYFOX90)
BAHIA - CRUISE (Teles - OLD65) Alla luce degli

incontri di cui abbiamo sopra la seguente situazione di partite of recoveringtheir:

- LUCA .............. ..... 5 GARE IN MENO
- GREYFOX90 - NIKBOY ............. 3 GARE IN MENO
- SPOWN, OffTopic, HW +, PRINCE93, GOODBYE S., MORRIS, Teles ........ a game in hand

These races should be completely recovered by the end of January. If at the next meeting at the Club House will miss' one of the contestants (and do not give 'prior notice of absence) the race will be' assigned with an automatic loss.

So in light of the situation created Saturday, January 30 will be 'held only the tenth day of the championship with the following matches:

SAO PAULO - Flamengo (PRINCE93 - Offtopic)
GREMIO P. - SAO CAETANO ......................... 3-0
riposo: Fluminense (SPOWN)

Creatine Enlarged Heart


CRUISE - ATL. MINER ............... 1-0
GREMIO P. - Fluminense 4-0 .................
GREMIO - ATL. Goianiense ............. 0-3
SAO CAETANO - VASCO ................... 0-3
SANTOS - DALY .. .............................. 1-2
PALMS - BAHIA ............. ............ 0-4

ATL. MINER - SANTOS .................... 0-2
Bahia - Flamengo Fluminense
........................... 1-0 - CRUISE ............ INTERNATIONAL
....... 0-2 - 0-0 ................. GREMIO
DALY - ATL. PARANAENSE ................... 2-0
VASCO - PALM ....................... ... 3-0
ATL.GOIANIENSE - GREMIO P. ........... 1-3

SAO PAULO - BAHIA .......................... 1 -0
Flamengo - Vasco 0-4 ..........................
PALMS - SAO CAETANO .......... ..... 3-0
ATL. PARANA - ATL. MINER ....... 0-0
SANTOS - Fluminense 1-1 .......................
CRUISE - ATL. Goianiense .............. RINVIATA
GREMIO P. - INTERNATIONAL .............. 2-3

ATL. MINER - DALY .......................... 0-5
ATL. Goiânia - SAINTS ................ RINVIATA
................. 0-3 Fluminense - ATL. PARANAENSE ......... RINVIATA
VASCO - SAO PAULO .......................... 2-1
BAHIA - GREMIO. ............................... 0-0
- INTERNATIONAL CRUISE ............ .0-0

FLAMINGO - PALM ......................... RINVIATA
DALY - Fluminense.
.............................. 1-0 SAO PAULO - SAO CAETANO ........... ........ 3-0
ATL. PARANA - ATL ...... Goianiense RINVIATA
GREMIO - VASCO ................................... RINVIATA
................................ 0-0
Fluminense - ATL. .....................
Mineiro 1-0 Palmeiras - SAO PAULO .................... ...... POSTPONED
ATL. GOIANIENSE - POSTPONED AVAI ..........................
SAO CAETANO - Gremio ............... ........... 0-3
VASCO - Gremio P. ................................. .
BAHIA POSTPONED - POSTPONED CRUZEIRO ...................................

Creatine Enlarged Heart


CRUISE - ATL. MINER ............... 1-0
GREMIO P. - Fluminense 4-0 .................
GREMIO - ATL. Goianiense ............. 0-3
SAO CAETANO - VASCO ................... 0-3
SANTOS - DALY .. .............................. 1-2
PALMS - BAHIA ............. ............ 0-4

ATL. MINER - SANTOS .................... 0-2
Bahia - Flamengo Fluminense
........................... 1-0 - CRUISE ............ INTERNATIONAL
....... 0-2 - 0-0 ................. GREMIO
DALY - ATL. PARANAENSE ................... 2-0
VASCO - PALM ....................... ... 3-0
ATL.GOIANIENSE - GREMIO P. ........... 1-3

SAO PAULO - BAHIA .......................... 1 -0
Flamengo - Vasco 0-4 ..........................
PALMS - SAO CAETANO .......... ..... 3-0
ATL. PARANA - ATL. MINER ....... 0-0
SANTOS - Fluminense 1-1 .......................
CRUISE - ATL. Goianiense .............. RINVIATA
GREMIO P. - INTERNATIONAL .............. 2-3

ATL. MINER - DALY .......................... 0-5
ATL. Goiânia - SAINTS ................ RINVIATA
................. 0-3 Fluminense - ATL. PARANAENSE ......... RINVIATA
VASCO - SAO PAULO .......................... 2-1
BAHIA - GREMIO. ............................... 0-0
- INTERNATIONAL CRUISE ............ .0-0

FLAMINGO - PALM ......................... RINVIATA
DALY - Fluminense.
.............................. 1-0 SAO PAULO - SAO CAETANO ........... ........ 3-0
ATL. PARANA - ATL ...... Goianiense RINVIATA
GREMIO - VASCO ................................... RINVIATA
................................ 0-0
Fluminense - ATL. .....................
Mineiro 1-0 Palmeiras - SAO PAULO .................... ...... POSTPONED
ATL. GOIANIENSE - POSTPONED AVAI ..........................
SAO CAETANO - Gremio ............... ........... 0-3
VASCO - Gremio P. ................................. .
BAHIA POSTPONED - POSTPONED CRUZEIRO ...................................

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gothic Shoes In Singapore

out something moves!

 Sergio, a reader of this blog, put the text that you find here as a comment, but I believe it should be on the front page. use as the title of this post that used recently by Mirco Rossi on the mail list of ASPO-Italy about a union document that contained all the arguments "aspiste" the nature and effects of peak oil . But here is a priest who tells uncomfortable truths for the Church in regard to contraception and population growth.

The article is published on the site MicroMega.

Be fruitful and multiply. The ISM ABSTRACT BENEDICT XVI .
Raffaele Garofalo, priest. In

Don Garofalo also cites the case of the procedure for the beatification of a couple who had 21 children. I went to check: is true!

Gothic Shoes In Singapore

out something moves!

 Sergio, a reader of this blog, put the text that you find here as a comment, but I believe it should be on the front page. use as the title of this post that used recently by Mirco Rossi on the mail list of ASPO-Italy about a union document that contained all the arguments "aspiste" the nature and effects of peak oil . But here is a priest who tells uncomfortable truths for the Church in regard to contraception and population growth.

The article is published on the site MicroMega.

Be fruitful and multiply. The ISM ABSTRACT BENEDICT XVI .
Raffaele Garofalo, priest. In

Don Garofalo also cites the case of the procedure for the beatification of a couple who had 21 children. I went to check: is true!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Snapper Yard Cruiser Manual

unwanted pregnancies in the world. A bit 'of numbers.

Bill Ryerson of the Population Media Center shared with us a paper published last December in the journal Studies in Family Planning . The article is titled Unintended Pregnancy: Worldwide Levels, Trends, and Outcomes Susheela Singh, Gilda Sedge, and Rubina Hussain (unwanted pregnancy in the world: levels, trends and outcomes).

At our conference we talked about this issue thanks to the contribution of Marco Cappato and Carmen Sorrentino (cf. Overshoot No.1). The data reported in their intervention and in the data section of No. 1 of our report had originated as the World Bank (WB), but I always had the problem of the methodology for estimating such data. The work presented here confirms the extent of the problem, unwanted pregnancies were estimated by the World Bank in 75 million in 2006 and are estimated at 83 million in 2008 from the article of which I speak, and also explains how these numbers are estimated through surveys targeted by Population Division of the UN worldwide. I will not bore you with the method, but I like to have confirmation that there is one :-). And above all let you know!

The results are perhaps what matters most.

Year 2008 (in million pregnancies)
Total pregnancies: 208
in developing countries: 185
Asia: 119
Africa: 49
Latin America: 17
Europe 13
North America 7
unwanted pregnancy: 86
of these unwanted pregnancies the outcome was as follows: Births
unplanned: 33
Abortions: 41
miscarriages: 11.

(NB The discrepancies in the amounts depend on the rounding.)

unwanted pregnancies are therefore 41% of the total, but what is striking and most surprising is that the percentage of unwanted pregnancies is higher in developed countries 47% those in developing countries 40%. These figures are cause for reflection for all, I think.

Snapper Yard Cruiser Manual

unwanted pregnancies in the world. A bit 'of numbers.

Bill Ryerson of the Population Media Center shared with us a paper published last December in the journal Studies in Family Planning . The article is titled Unintended Pregnancy: Worldwide Levels, Trends, and Outcomes Susheela Singh, Gilda Sedge, and Rubina Hussain (unwanted pregnancy in the world: levels, trends and outcomes).

At our conference we talked about this issue thanks to the contribution of Marco Cappato and Carmen Sorrentino (cf. Overshoot No.1). The data reported in their intervention and in the data section of No. 1 of our report had originated as the World Bank (WB), but I always had the problem of the methodology for estimating such data. The work presented here confirms the extent of the problem, unwanted pregnancies were estimated by the World Bank in 75 million in 2006 and are estimated at 83 million in 2008 from the article of which I speak, and also explains how these numbers are estimated through surveys targeted by Population Division of the UN worldwide. I will not bore you with the method, but I like to have confirmation that there is one :-). And above all let you know!

The results are perhaps what matters most.

Year 2008 (in million pregnancies)
Total pregnancies: 208
in developing countries: 185
Asia: 119
Africa: 49
Latin America: 17
Europe 13
North America 7
unwanted pregnancy: 86
of these unwanted pregnancies the outcome was as follows: Births
unplanned: 33
Abortions: 41
miscarriages: 11.

(NB The discrepancies in the amounts depend on the rounding.)

unwanted pregnancies are therefore 41% of the total, but what is striking and most surprising is that the percentage of unwanted pregnancies is higher in developed countries 47% those in developing countries 40%. These figures are cause for reflection for all, I think.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Female Reusable Urinal


With a few weeks behind schedule, had come after the Christmas Cup 2010, and confirming the signs of the first day, not without surprises. The Palermo
trained by champion Oscar, Old65, after being landed quite easily in finale battendo il Malines, si è infatti arreso all'esordiente Barcelona, guidato dalla "new entry" del club, Alessandro, che con un gol per tempo fissa il punteggio finale sul 2-0 e si porta a casa il titolo natalizio, succedendo nell'albo d'oro a Frank80 (assente in questa edizione).
Un successo che non lascia spazio a repliche visto il percorso netto tenuto dai blaugrana: nessun gol subito in tutta la manifestazione e ben 17 realizzati in appena 5 gare.
Al quarto posto si attesta il Gremio Porto Alegre di HW+, battuto nella finale di consolazione dal Malines.

Per quanto riguarda la chaltron's christmas cup, Successo del Venezia di mister Goodbye Stranger, che eliminava nell'ordine il Feyenoord, i padroni di house of Benevento, and the Germans in the final of Karlsruhe, came in the final at the expense of Roma and Benfica.


Gremio-Barcelona 0-4 Palermo
-KV Mechelen 3-1

Final 3rd place
KV Mechelen-Gremio 1-0

Final Barcelona-Palermo 2-0


Sao Paulo-Benevento in Table 0-3.
Southampton-Benfica 0-1
Rome-Karlsruhe 0-2 Feyenoord
- Venezia 0-1 Semifinals

Benevento-Venezia-Benfica 0-1

Karlsruhe 0-1 Karlsruhe 4-0 Final


3 KV Mechelen
5 VENICE (Chaltron's Cup)

Female Reusable Urinal


With a few weeks behind schedule, had come after the Christmas Cup 2010, and confirming the signs of the first day, not without surprises. The Palermo
trained by champion Oscar, Old65, after being landed quite easily in finale battendo il Malines, si è infatti arreso all'esordiente Barcelona, guidato dalla "new entry" del club, Alessandro, che con un gol per tempo fissa il punteggio finale sul 2-0 e si porta a casa il titolo natalizio, succedendo nell'albo d'oro a Frank80 (assente in questa edizione).
Un successo che non lascia spazio a repliche visto il percorso netto tenuto dai blaugrana: nessun gol subito in tutta la manifestazione e ben 17 realizzati in appena 5 gare.
Al quarto posto si attesta il Gremio Porto Alegre di HW+, battuto nella finale di consolazione dal Malines.

Per quanto riguarda la chaltron's christmas cup, Successo del Venezia di mister Goodbye Stranger, che eliminava nell'ordine il Feyenoord, i padroni di house of Benevento, and the Germans in the final of Karlsruhe, came in the final at the expense of Roma and Benfica.


Gremio-Barcelona 0-4 Palermo
-KV Mechelen 3-1

Final 3rd place
KV Mechelen-Gremio 1-0

Final Barcelona-Palermo 2-0


Sao Paulo-Benevento in Table 0-3.
Southampton-Benfica 0-1
Rome-Karlsruhe 0-2 Feyenoord
- Venezia 0-1 Semifinals

Benevento-Venezia-Benfica 0-1

Karlsruhe 0-1 Karlsruhe 4-0 Final


3 KV Mechelen
5 VENICE (Chaltron's Cup)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gilbert Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

7 billion. Second episode.

National Geographic (NG) population enters the debate with a number from the cover title: 7 billion , the future in a world crowded . The number of NG starts talking with a population of typical flights of fancy that makes me go on a rampage. A graphic page is dedicated to an ideal experiment in which you plan to hold a dance party for all 7 billion people on Earth by giving each individual a certain area for dancing is concluded that it would be enough to accommodate all the province of Siena. I say this now and this type of examples used in the past by Lomborg and others, give no indication regarding the ecological sustainability of a population. They are simply a trick to make you feel calm those who are unwilling to challenge the paradigm of infinite growth.

Below the number refer to Article editor and expert on environmental issues Robert Kunzig. This quote does not express the views expressed recently by Joe Bish on the facebook group of the Global Population Speak Out and mentioned by me yesterday on this blog:

"We are smart. We can do even better, and I do not think that even with a human population of nine billion we will be coming to the biological limits to survive on Earth . This is not the problem, in my opinion. "

quotation marks this phrase was said, according to Bish, speaking on National Public Radio program Talk to the Nation on January 6 last year. We do not want to hang the senior editor of NG to the words he used in a radio broadcast. So let's look at his article in the Italian edition of NG.
In the following parts of the text in italics are verbatim quotes from the magazine.

Article debut describing coitus interruptus of the merchant of Delft (Netherlands), Antoni van Leeuwenhoek noting that in 1677 their sperm through an optical device invented by himself, discovered the sperm. The same van Leeuwenhoek, who knows by what mental associations, was the first to estimate the human population groped widely mistaken for excess (13 billion versus 500 million). The article continues

heartened by the fact that readers of the many "pofezie" demographic apocalypse of all have been disproved by history.

Perhaps it can be comforting to know that people care about for a long time the population growth. And from the beginning [...] demographics took care of the matter in apocalyptic terms.

At this point, inevitably, comes with its Malthusian theory disproved by the facts. Then Paul Ehrlich with its population bomb and achievements of technology, medicine and the green revolution, which denied the catastrophic prophecies of Malthus and Malthusian. Here comes the presentation of the Theory of Demographic Transition : a must of human progress. Follows, inevitably, the issue of aging society (and the sustainability of pension systems) following the decline in fertility.

whose rapid decline in fertility, scientists would be surprised.

"I do not yet understand why the fertility rate has fallen so quickly in so many cultures and religions (sic). It 's a stunning figure," Hania Zlotnik ammentte , director of the UN Population Division. After talking

differences in reproductive behavior in different parts of India, the Chinese case and the fact that only in Africa, women have higher fertility rates there are a few pages of graphics, as always well cared for NG, and then you take the words of demographer henv Bras on the annual meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), where this year we talked about population explosion.

"the problem is a bit 'out of fashion," said Le Bras [...] by the second half of this century we will find ourselves at the end of an era unique in history. population explosion, and we will enter a new phase, during which the population will become stable or decrease.
But we will not be too many already? At the conference I discovered that the current population of the planet might screw up the whole living in Texas, if Texas had the same population density of New York. At this point I did a little 'calculations as Leeuwenhoek. If in 2045 to nine billion people will live in the six inhabited continents, world population will amount to little more than half of that of France today. France is not seen as a hellish place. It will be the world in 2045.

I reported this entire long period, including the quotes because it is central in understanding the mentality of these scientists face the problem conclude that the numbers are not the problem.

The author agrees that some regions of the planet could become hell, others are already now. Collapse by Jared Diamond cites and founder Lester Brown of World Watch Institute and director of ' Earth Policy Institute in Washington who believes that the food crisis could lead to the collapse of civilization. Humans are consuming natural capital [...] "Family planning is perhaps one of the assistance to be given priority" . But immediately after starting the final phase of the article leaves the impression that the population issue or not ci sia più nulla da fare o che sia una questione secondaria rispetto alla modalità di consumo delle risorse.

Concentrarsi sui numeri non è il modo migliore per affrontare il futuro. I problemi da risolvere sono la povertà la mancanza di infrastrutture, non la sovrappopolazione. Dare ad ogni donna la possibilità di accedere a servizi di pianificazione familiare è una buona idea. Ma neppure il programma di controllo delle nascite più aggressivo può salvare il Bangladesh dall'innalzamento del livello del mare [...].

Brian O'Neill del National Center for Atmospheric Research calcola che, se nel 2050 la popolazione raggiungesse i 7,4 miliardi invece degli 8,9, le emissioni si ridurrebbero 15%. "Those who claim that the main problem is overpopulation is wrong," says Joel Cohen , "is not even the dominant factor."

The conclusion is almost even tone simony, although quotes Malthus.

"The efforts that men should do to support themselves and their families, frequently awaken faculties that would otherwise remain dormant, and has often been noted that new situations and create extraordinary minds capable of facing the difficulties that arise." [...] We hope that Malthus was right about our ingenuity.

will follow in the coming months articles on sustainability.

What follows is my comment, which will result in a letter to the magazine.

As I said earlier the example of the dance party for 7 billion people is misleading and meaningless in a discussion on the sustainability of a population.
Similar considerations apply to comment on the words of the ineffable Le Bras demographer who discovered this year that the entire human population could be in Texas and that if we are we will be 9 billion in mid-density of France. And he also made two calcoletti. These are non-issues. M. Le Bras could find, maybe next year, in a shed of 10 m in length there may be tens of thousands of farmed chickens happy (so to speak!) to receive a daily feed that is produced by cultivating hectares of fertile land. Many acres of fertile land required to sustain a population area, or the volume it occupies. If you would just think of the human population size in metric terms, and making a small step further, Dr.. The Bras may find, in a couple of more years, that the biomass of the human species and its domestic animals has now reached 97% of the biomass of all terrestrial vertebrates. That in itself means that man has occupied and made his every terrestrial ecosystem.

's article is better Kunzig statements that have preceded it, but not without serious flaws.
As often happens in the debate on global sustainability are taken for granted facts that are not at all. For example, the fact that Malthus was wrong. I have said many times that Malthus, writing in the late eighteenth century could not imagine how the contribution of fossil fuels would have moved up the carrying capacity of the planet. The fossil window, which is closing, merely postponed the day of reckoning with the Malthusian limits to growth. In this regard, it is singular and positive, at least on the NG has been avoided to place among the Malthusian Club of Rome in error.
The issue of energy flow and the size of People need to be constantly reminded. It is not simplistic to say that the cause of the population explosion is the discovery of fossil fuels, rather than the discovery of fossil fuels and the fact that man has learned to use it triggered a typical positive feedback loop in which increased availability of energy results in an upward shift of load capacity, aside from population growth that triggers a boost to energy production and so on. This cycle, like all the positive feedback loops has a breaking point. Perhaps the surprise of Ms. Zlotnik could find an answer just in breaking the cycle I'm talking about and that did not begin with 2004, but much earlier. The signals reaching the planet's ecological limits and cultural materials they have arrived and people feel less need to put the world in this world, children.

The fact that someone launches centuries apocalyptic warnings could only mean, and probably is, that man tends to live at the limits of carrying capacity of ecosystems that support it. This is reconciled with the theory of Diamond on the collapse of civilization.

We look forward to future issues of NG.

Gilbert Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

7 billion. Second episode.

National Geographic (NG) population enters the debate with a number from the cover title: 7 billion , the future in a world crowded . The number of NG starts talking with a population of typical flights of fancy that makes me go on a rampage. A graphic page is dedicated to an ideal experiment in which you plan to hold a dance party for all 7 billion people on Earth by giving each individual a certain area for dancing is concluded that it would be enough to accommodate all the province of Siena. I say this now and this type of examples used in the past by Lomborg and others, give no indication regarding the ecological sustainability of a population. They are simply a trick to make you feel calm those who are unwilling to challenge the paradigm of infinite growth.

Below the number refer to Article editor and expert on environmental issues Robert Kunzig. This quote does not express the views expressed recently by Joe Bish on the facebook group of the Global Population Speak Out and mentioned by me yesterday on this blog:

"We are smart. We can do even better, and I do not think that even with a human population of nine billion we will be coming to the biological limits to survive on Earth . This is not the problem, in my opinion. "

quotation marks this phrase was said, according to Bish, speaking on National Public Radio program Talk to the Nation on January 6 last year. We do not want to hang the senior editor of NG to the words he used in a radio broadcast. So let's look at his article in the Italian edition of NG.
In the following parts of the text in italics are verbatim quotes from the magazine.

Article debut describing coitus interruptus of the merchant of Delft (Netherlands), Antoni van Leeuwenhoek noting that in 1677 their sperm through an optical device invented by himself, discovered the sperm. The same van Leeuwenhoek, who knows by what mental associations, was the first to estimate the human population groped widely mistaken for excess (13 billion versus 500 million). The article continues

heartened by the fact that readers of the many "pofezie" demographic apocalypse of all have been disproved by history.

Perhaps it can be comforting to know that people care about for a long time the population growth. And from the beginning [...] demographics took care of the matter in apocalyptic terms.

At this point, inevitably, comes with its Malthusian theory disproved by the facts. Then Paul Ehrlich with its population bomb and achievements of technology, medicine and the green revolution, which denied the catastrophic prophecies of Malthus and Malthusian. Here comes the presentation of the Theory of Demographic Transition : a must of human progress. Follows, inevitably, the issue of aging society (and the sustainability of pension systems) following the decline in fertility.

whose rapid decline in fertility, scientists would be surprised.

"I do not yet understand why the fertility rate has fallen so quickly in so many cultures and religions (sic). It 's a stunning figure," Hania Zlotnik ammentte , director of the UN Population Division. After talking

differences in reproductive behavior in different parts of India, the Chinese case and the fact that only in Africa, women have higher fertility rates there are a few pages of graphics, as always well cared for NG, and then you take the words of demographer henv Bras on the annual meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), where this year we talked about population explosion.

"the problem is a bit 'out of fashion," said Le Bras [...] by the second half of this century we will find ourselves at the end of an era unique in history. population explosion, and we will enter a new phase, during which the population will become stable or decrease.
But we will not be too many already? At the conference I discovered that the current population of the planet might screw up the whole living in Texas, if Texas had the same population density of New York. At this point I did a little 'calculations as Leeuwenhoek. If in 2045 to nine billion people will live in the six inhabited continents, world population will amount to little more than half of that of France today. France is not seen as a hellish place. It will be the world in 2045.

I reported this entire long period, including the quotes because it is central in understanding the mentality of these scientists face the problem conclude that the numbers are not the problem.

The author agrees that some regions of the planet could become hell, others are already now. Collapse by Jared Diamond cites and founder Lester Brown of World Watch Institute and director of ' Earth Policy Institute in Washington who believes that the food crisis could lead to the collapse of civilization. Humans are consuming natural capital [...] "Family planning is perhaps one of the assistance to be given priority" . But immediately after starting the final phase of the article leaves the impression that the population issue or not ci sia più nulla da fare o che sia una questione secondaria rispetto alla modalità di consumo delle risorse.

Concentrarsi sui numeri non è il modo migliore per affrontare il futuro. I problemi da risolvere sono la povertà la mancanza di infrastrutture, non la sovrappopolazione. Dare ad ogni donna la possibilità di accedere a servizi di pianificazione familiare è una buona idea. Ma neppure il programma di controllo delle nascite più aggressivo può salvare il Bangladesh dall'innalzamento del livello del mare [...].

Brian O'Neill del National Center for Atmospheric Research calcola che, se nel 2050 la popolazione raggiungesse i 7,4 miliardi invece degli 8,9, le emissioni si ridurrebbero 15%. "Those who claim that the main problem is overpopulation is wrong," says Joel Cohen , "is not even the dominant factor."

The conclusion is almost even tone simony, although quotes Malthus.

"The efforts that men should do to support themselves and their families, frequently awaken faculties that would otherwise remain dormant, and has often been noted that new situations and create extraordinary minds capable of facing the difficulties that arise." [...] We hope that Malthus was right about our ingenuity.

will follow in the coming months articles on sustainability.

What follows is my comment, which will result in a letter to the magazine.

As I said earlier the example of the dance party for 7 billion people is misleading and meaningless in a discussion on the sustainability of a population.
Similar considerations apply to comment on the words of the ineffable Le Bras demographer who discovered this year that the entire human population could be in Texas and that if we are we will be 9 billion in mid-density of France. And he also made two calcoletti. These are non-issues. M. Le Bras could find, maybe next year, in a shed of 10 m in length there may be tens of thousands of farmed chickens happy (so to speak!) to receive a daily feed that is produced by cultivating hectares of fertile land. Many acres of fertile land required to sustain a population area, or the volume it occupies. If you would just think of the human population size in metric terms, and making a small step further, Dr.. The Bras may find, in a couple of more years, that the biomass of the human species and its domestic animals has now reached 97% of the biomass of all terrestrial vertebrates. That in itself means that man has occupied and made his every terrestrial ecosystem.

's article is better Kunzig statements that have preceded it, but not without serious flaws.
As often happens in the debate on global sustainability are taken for granted facts that are not at all. For example, the fact that Malthus was wrong. I have said many times that Malthus, writing in the late eighteenth century could not imagine how the contribution of fossil fuels would have moved up the carrying capacity of the planet. The fossil window, which is closing, merely postponed the day of reckoning with the Malthusian limits to growth. In this regard, it is singular and positive, at least on the NG has been avoided to place among the Malthusian Club of Rome in error.
The issue of energy flow and the size of People need to be constantly reminded. It is not simplistic to say that the cause of the population explosion is the discovery of fossil fuels, rather than the discovery of fossil fuels and the fact that man has learned to use it triggered a typical positive feedback loop in which increased availability of energy results in an upward shift of load capacity, aside from population growth that triggers a boost to energy production and so on. This cycle, like all the positive feedback loops has a breaking point. Perhaps the surprise of Ms. Zlotnik could find an answer just in breaking the cycle I'm talking about and that did not begin with 2004, but much earlier. The signals reaching the planet's ecological limits and cultural materials they have arrived and people feel less need to put the world in this world, children.

The fact that someone launches centuries apocalyptic warnings could only mean, and probably is, that man tends to live at the limits of carrying capacity of ecosystems that support it. This is reconciled with the theory of Diamond on the collapse of civilization.

We look forward to future issues of NG.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

List Of Catchable Pokemon In Pokemon Silver

7 billion. Vatican

The 2011 will be the year when the world's population will touch 7 billion, twelve years after exceeding six billion. A population seven times that of 200 years ago. The National Geographic dedicates the first issue of the year in this event. Yesterday, the 20 o'clock news on Sky has proposed an interview with the director of NG Italy Guglielmo Pepe, spoke of many things, but did not speak of containment of reproduction.

The editor of the edition in English, Mr. Kunzig, a few days ago he gave an interview in which he stated about the man:

"We are smart. We can do even better and I do not think even with a human population of nine billion we will be close to biological limits to survive on Earth . This is not the problem, in my opinion. "

Gasp! To hear him just so we are not intelligent! And this is the problem, in my opinion .
Although perhaps the key in his speech that: survive .
Verbatim . I do not believe That even at nine billion we are anywhere near the biological limit of Surviving humans on Earth.

However, today I'm going to give a newsstand bit 'of money to NG and then report back on the quality of services that are not photographic.

List Of Catchable Pokemon In Pokemon Silver

7 billion. Vatican

The 2011 will be the year when the world's population will touch 7 billion, twelve years after exceeding six billion. A population seven times that of 200 years ago. The National Geographic dedicates the first issue of the year in this event. Yesterday, the 20 o'clock news on Sky has proposed an interview with the director of NG Italy Guglielmo Pepe, spoke of many things, but did not speak of containment of reproduction.

The editor of the edition in English, Mr. Kunzig, a few days ago he gave an interview in which he stated about the man:

"We are smart. We can do even better and I do not think even with a human population of nine billion we will be close to biological limits to survive on Earth . This is not the problem, in my opinion. "

Gasp! To hear him just so we are not intelligent! And this is the problem, in my opinion .
Although perhaps the key in his speech that: survive .
Verbatim . I do not believe That even at nine billion we are anywhere near the biological limit of Surviving humans on Earth.

However, today I'm going to give a newsstand bit 'of money to NG and then report back on the quality of services that are not photographic.