Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Long Can Fish Sticks Stay In The Freezer

Italy-Libya: the dirty truth

"Dear Max system you speak of all Italy 'foreign to justify the" protection "from Qaddafi's' Italy. But this is only part of the truth. The analysis of Sergio Romano in Corriere della Sera is also very acute, when he says that all Italian governments have supported Gaddafi in recent decades. But this is also part of the truth.
The whole truth is much more 'complex'. Who sits in front of me is an old friend. An expert in international relations, international finance expert, John has the face and dug deep lines that run through the face. He looks like someone who knows a lot. But listen to what 'he says.

"In Actually the relationship between the Italai and Libya are of long standing. Italy colonized Libya for almost 40 years. But it was after, with the advent of Gaddafi, who was paid the Pact of Steel between el Gaddafi 'Italy. The covenant was as follows: Gaddafi save capitalism from attacks inside and estrni Italian Italy Gaddafi saved by internal and external attacks.
The pact has always worked fine.
There is a lot of hypocrisy on the kiss of Berlusconi to Gaddafi. For decades before Gaddafi was protected militarily by Italy, with supplies of love, ammunition, sending mercenaries and even protection of the 'Italian army and sending confidential information.
Non è stato proprio Andreotti ad ammettere che quando gli americani decisero di farla finita con Gheddafi e di bombardarlo fu proprio Bettino Craxi a telefonare a Gheddafi ed ad avvertirlo di fuggire prima del bombardamento americano. E l’ episodio di Sigonella quando Craxi salvo’ Gheddafi dai caccia americani?
L’Italia politica ha fatto molto, moltissimo per la vita politica di Gheddafi.
Ma anche Gheddafi ha fatto moltissimo per il capitalismo italiano. C’è da dire che il capitalismo italiano ha sempre avuto una rete di sicurezza in Gheddafi, questi è stato come si dice in inglese il protettore di “last resort” del capitalismo italiano.

Vedi la Fiat, che era praticamente fallita when the Libyan investment fund became the largest financial investor in the past. The same applies to the leading Italian bank, Unicredit, which has as its main investor of the new Libya. And the group is large state enterprise, with strong presence in Libya? And the 'Impregilo, with orders worth millions in Libya? And even Juventus, the most 'noble Italian football team? Not to mention the large number of Libyan investments in medium-sized companies in Italy and Libya.

The agreement is as follows: whenever the major Italian companies are likely to fall into foreign hands Libya intervene and "save." Then when the economic situation improves Libya dall'azionariato out. He has always worked perfectly.

Gaddafi has two very clear: he's crazy to tie, it's a bloody that killed its own people to stay in power even using the gas if necessary. But it is also very intelligent and knew exactly how capitalism works. He knows that without the support of capitalism would fall for this immediately was surrounded by Praetorian Guard, mercenaries and have little confidence in his army. He knows that only intertwined with capitalism can 'survive.
has in hand the best of Italian capitalism. And all this without speaking of 'that ENI would sink without him. It is for this reason that ENI does not send home its technicians? Did he not fear that invadrebbero insurgents now "his" territory?

But now the situation has changed. Gaddafi is exterminating his people and the media is more 'difficult part of' Italy. Maybe for Italian politicians (right and left alike) would remain there without problems. But Gaddafi has gone too far. The Italian military bases are located on high alert. It is said that Gaddafi and Berlusconi is blackmailing Italian capitalism. He says that if he jumps jumping all. Not only politicians but all of Berlusconi and Italian companies. The game has become very dangerous. Someone already is thinking of turning him out.
The problem is that the situation is so 'that the Italians uncertain hanno paura che chi viene dopo di Gheddafi non manterrà il patto con il capitalismo italiano. Già le insurrezioni nel paese stanno mettendo a repentagli i giacimenti dell’ ENI. Che succederà? Non lo sa nessuno.
Quello che è certo è che questa storia delle relazioni Italia- Libia è veramente una sporca storia”.


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