Wednesday, February 16, 2011

D2nt Leaves Game When It Joins


Benevento, a city of witches welcome all subbuteisti haunted since childhood by this powerful spell of thumbnails that still surrounds us and binds us to the heart. A Sabbath of walkers, three touches, back on the fly, off side, off the sidelines and networks swollen to fill a day of Benevento. The Old Subbuteo Club Benevento and 'glad to announce the organization of the second edition of Caudium Cup tournament following the success of last year, a grant with a twist, starting from the location that will be the local headquarters of the Old Subbuteo Club Benevento, Campania already the scene of the 2010 Champions Tournament. News also for the participants: the tournament will indeed challenge the olders from central and southern regions only of our country, and not coincidentally the name chosen for this year's tournament is "THE Caudium CUP 2011 - SOUTH ITALY OLD TOURNAMENT SUBBUTEO" on confirmation that the event itself as a true "championship" of the South Central Italy. Tournament of calls, that to meet the growing number of "olders" and old subbuteo club in the central southern part of the boot, will be designed for a greater number of participants compared with 32 the previous edition, in fact there will be room for 64 players divided between the various regions of the club central-southern Italy with the addition of some wild cards. The event will take place over a single race day from 9:30 am to Sunday, April 3, 2011 at the clubhouse at the Old subbuteo club benevento


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