Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Painting Sheer Fabric Miniature

What will happen 'MPs elected abroad?

“Caro Max ho letto i tuoi recenti articoli sul caso Battisti. Devo riconoscere che hai un acume notevole. Hai previsto il no di Lula quando tutti dicevano che era Genro che era contrario all’estradizione. Sicuramente sei la fonte piu’ reliable in Brazil on what 'is happening there'. However I do not agree on the "Italian" of the matter. Your interpretation of the use of case Baptists to "get rid" of the elected abroad seems excessive. What are the elements on which to base this position? You said that the Brazilian side there is' a dull fight for power in the course and you've convinced me. But the Italian side what's going on? What 'the game going? "I asked my reader from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I have to admit it. After my last article on game theory are swamped with emails asking me to decipher the dark power games in progress both in Italy as in Brazil. We must say that I do not have time to answer all questions received. But this remark, the Italian-Argentine player I want to answer. Why 'gets to the heart of the problem. For over

'I share it draws asked to decipher the Italian side of the "game" Baptists. Well, unlike the chicken game under way since the Brazilian side, the Italian side we are witnessing a classic case of "win-win" game. This means that whatever the outcome the bank (if the Italian government) wins. Why '?

The point 'as follows. Battisti's case has resulted in more diplomatic crisis of recent Italian history of the Republic. Never had come to withdraw the ambassador against a "friendly" countries such as Brazil. Ministers of the first order as that of the Italian Defense and Foreign Affairs have taken positions against the harsh Brazilian Minister of Justice and other authorities' of that government. You and 'treatment of an escalation of difficult positions in the short-term remediable. If, as expected, the final answer will be 'no extradition, the Italian outrage will reach' unprecedented levels in recent history of international relations Italian. There is talk of Appeal of 'Italy to the Court of Justice' Aja, a thing made for war criminals as Karazic. Even if the approach marry "Soft" by some wings of the Italian government can not be 'do not ignore the incredible situation of "discomfort" that would result in a denial of extradition. And surely begin the witch hunt to blame for the lack of extradition. Already 'in the past, this hunt if sin had identified the community' Italo-Brazilian in charge of this non-extradition. And this was also the position of members of the third order of government of people of Italian politics.

But in the case of a final negative extradition bisognera '"blame" someone more' at the top. Someone or a group that has been shown to not be useful, to be ineffective, being unable to make a tangible contribution to their country. And who better to respond to this identikit of the category of elected Italians abroad? This category
it 's never been loved in Italy. Defined as "pimps" of unnecessary expense. Many of the category have already 'been shown to be processed, some have violated the laws, and ultimately it is a category already' discredited. There are also decent people but unfortunately in a basket with 10 eggs and a good running it and 'what is immediately noticed, especially by our local press. And also the same government that gave birth to this category has done more ' Tremaglia thanks to a unique location that is not monolithic and the government itself. Finally, it is a category that many from right to left they would rather avoid.
There is a small sign. Even a majority of elected abroad has accused the Italian-Brazilians of non-extradition in the past. The message was nearly this: are those Italians abroad (the Italian-Brazilian), not all Italians living abroad who are guilty of what '. After that ', for further confirmation of the "inconvenience" to belong to the category (or to secure a seat in the future) the person in question and' a candidate for elections in Italy. The impression and
' therefore self-evident: if the extradition was denied, the wave of indignation, you could make a bundle of tutt'erba and finally "get rid" of these uncomfortable and unwanted tenants of Parliament. The latest and perhaps belated attempt to show that aggregation of the class certainly the concern of elected abroad and 'palpable.
So 'we are witnessing a "win-win" game. If Baptists and 'extradited to Italy the government (especially the foreign minister who has put his face on this story) would be very happy. If it will not be 'you can' take advantage of what 'to wipe out these unwanted guests stumbled almost by accident in Parlamento (gli eletti all’estero). A meno che? A meno che se ne parli prima e si sveli il segreto piano in corso. Perche’ cosi’ sara’ piu’ difficile attuarlo.

Painting Sheer Fabric Miniature

What will happen 'MPs elected abroad?

“Caro Max ho letto i tuoi recenti articoli sul caso Battisti. Devo riconoscere che hai un acume notevole. Hai previsto il no di Lula quando tutti dicevano che era Genro che era contrario all’estradizione. Sicuramente sei la fonte piu’ reliable in Brazil on what 'is happening there'. However I do not agree on the "Italian" of the matter. Your interpretation of the use of case Baptists to "get rid" of the elected abroad seems excessive. What are the elements on which to base this position? You said that the Brazilian side there is' a dull fight for power in the course and you've convinced me. But the Italian side what's going on? What 'the game going? "I asked my reader from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I have to admit it. After my last article on game theory are swamped with emails asking me to decipher the dark power games in progress both in Italy as in Brazil. We must say that I do not have time to answer all questions received. But this remark, the Italian-Argentine player I want to answer. Why 'gets to the heart of the problem. For over

'I share it draws asked to decipher the Italian side of the "game" Baptists. Well, unlike the chicken game under way since the Brazilian side, the Italian side we are witnessing a classic case of "win-win" game. This means that whatever the outcome the bank (if the Italian government) wins. Why '?

The point 'as follows. Battisti's case has resulted in more diplomatic crisis of recent Italian history of the Republic. Never had come to withdraw the ambassador against a "friendly" countries such as Brazil. Ministers of the first order as that of the Italian Defense and Foreign Affairs have taken positions against the harsh Brazilian Minister of Justice and other authorities' of that government. You and 'treatment of an escalation of difficult positions in the short-term remediable. If, as expected, the final answer will be 'no extradition, the Italian outrage will reach' unprecedented levels in recent history of international relations Italian. There is talk of Appeal of 'Italy to the Court of Justice' Aja, a thing made for war criminals as Karazic. Even if the approach marry "Soft" by some wings of the Italian government can not be 'do not ignore the incredible situation of "discomfort" that would result in a denial of extradition. And surely begin the witch hunt to blame for the lack of extradition. Already 'in the past, this hunt if sin had identified the community' Italo-Brazilian in charge of this non-extradition. And this was also the position of members of the third order of government of people of Italian politics.

But in the case of a final negative extradition bisognera '"blame" someone more' at the top. Someone or a group that has been shown to not be useful, to be ineffective, being unable to make a tangible contribution to their country. And who better to respond to this identikit of the category of elected Italians abroad? This category
it 's never been loved in Italy. Defined as "pimps" of unnecessary expense. Many of the category have already 'been shown to be processed, some have violated the laws, and ultimately it is a category already' discredited. There are also decent people but unfortunately in a basket with 10 eggs and a good running it and 'what is immediately noticed, especially by our local press. And also the same government that gave birth to this category has done more ' Tremaglia thanks to a unique location that is not monolithic and the government itself. Finally, it is a category that many from right to left they would rather avoid.
There is a small sign. Even a majority of elected abroad has accused the Italian-Brazilians of non-extradition in the past. The message was nearly this: are those Italians abroad (the Italian-Brazilian), not all Italians living abroad who are guilty of what '. After that ', for further confirmation of the "inconvenience" to belong to the category (or to secure a seat in the future) the person in question and' a candidate for elections in Italy. The impression and
' therefore self-evident: if the extradition was denied, the wave of indignation, you could make a bundle of tutt'erba and finally "get rid" of these uncomfortable and unwanted tenants of Parliament. The latest and perhaps belated attempt to show that aggregation of the class certainly the concern of elected abroad and 'palpable.
So 'we are witnessing a "win-win" game. If Baptists and 'extradited to Italy the government (especially the foreign minister who has put his face on this story) would be very happy. If it will not be 'you can' take advantage of what 'to wipe out these unwanted guests stumbled almost by accident in Parlamento (gli eletti all’estero). A meno che? A meno che se ne parli prima e si sveli il segreto piano in corso. Perche’ cosi’ sara’ piu’ difficile attuarlo.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

High Hard Closed Cervix

The final blow to Italians abroad

finally talk about it openly. And to think that the signs were there for so long. But now there are both. The words and deeds. And both say the same: elimination of the Italian representatives elected abroad.
"But what about Max, raving?" Seem to think my dear reader. And it does not. And I'll dimostero '. Read below and see if my words are plucked out of thin air or a serious possibility '.

words. Statements about the uselessness' of the Italian representatives elected abroad abound. The first statement we have from the beginning of last legislature. In the Italian representatives abroad were crucial to elect a majority, but were unable to take advantage of what 'to benefit his constituents. Instead they were almost completely inconsistent and, quite rightly, many of them were not reelected. In this legislature are not conclusive and their weight and importance and 'been reduced drastically. And again the rumors about their elimination by the Italian parliament have returned more insistently. Certainly not helped the folk character of some of them or some irregularities' even criminal who threw a heavy shadow over the whole their class. Gia 'heel (indirectly) by pimps, the money was wasted italiano, si sa che la implacabile scure del Ministero delle Finanze sta cercando di eliminare tutte le spese considerate inutili. Difatti l’intera categoria degli italiani all’estero hanno subito una riduzione nel bilancio dello stato quasi epocale che testimonia la scarsa attenzione di questo governo agli italiani all’estero. E’ inutile nasconderlo. E’ un fatto. Cio’ altro non e’ che la continuazione di cio’ che e’ avvenuto in passato con il precedente governo, di opposta tendenza politica. Solo che le dichiarazioni sembrano anticipare un disegno di eliminazione della categoria dei rappresentanti italiani all’estero.

I fatti. Sembra ormai un fuggi-fuggi. Tra candidati a governi stranieri and Italian regions, provinces and municipalities, it seems that the Italian representatives abroad use their elected office as a springboard for a career in other disputes, often Italian. Nothing wrong with a politician decides to change the lens. However, when exercising it 'already' and a charge for which 'complaint was elected at least lack of attention to the people of his constituents, not to mention their betrayal. The transformation and 'an ancient evil of Italian politics. But they probably had never seen that in a few months or a few years now opted for another elected public office in the house or in another country without too many compliments for his former constituents. But the question
e’: sara’ che questa scelta di cambiamento di campo e’ anche motivato dall’aria che tira, dal fiutare che ormai per i rappresentanti italiani eletti all’estero siamo alla frutta e che e’ meglio scegliersi un’altra carriera prima di rimanere a piedi?

Eh si mio caro lettore, parole e fatti sembrano andare in un’unica direzione: farla finita con i rappresentanti italiani eletti all’estero. Ma e’ un bene o un male?
Per cio’ che hanno prodotto (quasi niente) sembrerebbe essere un bene e tuttavia non lo e’. Ma ci vuole una seria correzione. Per evitare un trasformismo sfacciato bisogna che nell’esercizio del loro mandato gli eletti all’estero si representatives of the community to support it 'Italian abroad. But not to other institutions and Comites baroque, without any contact with reality '. But the true representatives of the community ', those who have the pulse of the situation, who know their needs and are able to act on their behalf. Without them the Italian MPs elected abroad will be free to be enticed by the temptations of power and forget where they come from and their communities'. Becoming a truly unnecessary cost that the ax could cut from the Treasury.

Purely Cosmetic Home And Health

Case Baptists: Nerves on edge

“Caro Max sul caso Battisti i nervi sono a fior di pelle” mi dice il mio amico del boteco (bar povero) di Sao Paolo. “Quella email che mi hai mostrato lo dimostra” continua lui. “Da qua fammi leggere” afferma l’altro collega squattrinato del bar. Una cosa e’ in comune ai miei amici del boteco di Sao Paolo: tutti in gamba e senza un soldo. Sembra questo essere il destino di noialtri giornalisti italiani di Sao Paolo. “Ma guarda un po’. Un tipo cosi’ serio che scrive queste cose”.
E non facciamo impazzire di curiosita’ il lettore e leggiamola questa email di un illustre parlamentare italiano ricevuta dal sottoscritto.
“Caro Amico,
un solo commento: perché, nel raccontare quel che fa l'Italia politica, si ostina a non parlare mai del voto unanime della Camera dei Deputati dello scorso 26 febbraio?
A oscurare quella notizia, ci pensano già i giornali, sotto la spinta dei salotti radical-chic di Parigi, e perfino il governo che forse non vuole grane col Brasile o, appunto, coi Francesi (alla Camera è stato il governo a far tardare di diverse settimane la discussione della nostra mozione unitaria).
Ma perché ci si mette pure lei? Non capisce che this clear and unanimous vote of the Chamber, which represents the highest level the whole country according to our constitution, is the strongest evidence that Baptists is NOT a victim of political persecution? He does not realize that censoring this news to all the others that point out the errors and contradictions of our government is a big favor to the insufferable marketing of Baptists, which oscillates between proclamations of innocence and requests for forgiveness?
Obviously not, I do not understand. Or pretends to scream against Baptists, but underneath the fun is. Too bad.
XY "
" And what did you say Max? "I asked my friend with the fiery eyes.
"Dear XY
admit that I have mentioned in my articles the vote of the Chamber of Deputies. The lighthouse 'in the future. I'm sorry that you think I Battisti is nice. I guarantee that takes a great blunder.
In any case, my articles are intended to highlight the real issues behind the case Baptists. Do not want to belittle the importance of voting in the House. Allow me a little question about it: if the House was so 'unanimous about Baptists' cause I really do not vote to some extent to obtain his extradition (such as severance of diplomatic relations with Brazil, distrust of the Italian foreign minister who clearly has mishandled the whole thing), etc..?
I think if you really want to get the extradition Baptists should vote for different sizes and more 'effective. In Brazil, the news of the vote is not 'was considered as a serious break with Italy. By contrast, the perception here and 'that Italy will swallow' the toad without a murmur. And this all from the government and opposition.
In my little I will only describe the measures are truly effective. Unfortunately I know that the power of these days and Italian parliamentarians' rather limited and that even many members of the government.
It 'also true that some of his colleagues in the House have come here in Brazil at the expense of the House to travel at least questionable effectiveness (not to mention waste of public money) on the pretext of solving the case Baptists. 'Cause no one says alla Camera?
In ogni caso e' cosi' palese che Battisti non e' un perseguitato politico ma solo un volgare criminale che non lo ripeto spesso nei miei articoli.
“Max hai fatto bene non devi essere il megafono di nessuno anche quando si tratta di iniziative meritevoli come quella citata” mi dice uno dal fondo.
Eh si, man mano che la sentenza del caso Battisti si avvicina i nervi sono a fior di pelle.
Ma permettemi di dire una cosa. Se e’ vero che dobbiamo operare nella stessa direzione, e’ altrettanto vero che (non e’ il caso del parlamentare che mi scrive) molti dicono di fare ma pochi veramente fanno qualcosa. Molti sono frustrati. La realta’ e’ che, as I wrote to another Member, "Today (with all due respect) MPs are not so 'important in Italian politics."
The disconnect between voters and elected representatives' awesome. Especially those elected to 'foreign. The case has dramatically put what Baptists' emphasis. Communities 'Italian foreign manifest more and more' their impatience with the lack of attention to them in Italy. At this point, 'well what' is put in due evidence. To avoid that (in the case of elected abroad) the solution outlet, perhaps the daughter of a Baptist frustration on the case, what is' that is smoldering for some time: to eliminate the elected representatives abroad.

High Hard Closed Cervix

The final blow to Italians abroad

finally talk about it openly. And to think that the signs were there for so long. But now there are both. The words and deeds. And both say the same: elimination of the Italian representatives elected abroad.
"But what about Max, raving?" Seem to think my dear reader. And it does not. And I'll dimostero '. Read below and see if my words are plucked out of thin air or a serious possibility '.

words. Statements about the uselessness' of the Italian representatives elected abroad abound. The first statement we have from the beginning of last legislature. In the Italian representatives abroad were crucial to elect a majority, but were unable to take advantage of what 'to benefit his constituents. Instead they were almost completely inconsistent and, quite rightly, many of them were not reelected. In this legislature are not conclusive and their weight and importance and 'been reduced drastically. And again the rumors about their elimination by the Italian parliament have returned more insistently. Certainly not helped the folk character of some of them or some irregularities' even criminal who threw a heavy shadow over the whole their class. Gia 'heel (indirectly) by pimps, the money was wasted italiano, si sa che la implacabile scure del Ministero delle Finanze sta cercando di eliminare tutte le spese considerate inutili. Difatti l’intera categoria degli italiani all’estero hanno subito una riduzione nel bilancio dello stato quasi epocale che testimonia la scarsa attenzione di questo governo agli italiani all’estero. E’ inutile nasconderlo. E’ un fatto. Cio’ altro non e’ che la continuazione di cio’ che e’ avvenuto in passato con il precedente governo, di opposta tendenza politica. Solo che le dichiarazioni sembrano anticipare un disegno di eliminazione della categoria dei rappresentanti italiani all’estero.

I fatti. Sembra ormai un fuggi-fuggi. Tra candidati a governi stranieri and Italian regions, provinces and municipalities, it seems that the Italian representatives abroad use their elected office as a springboard for a career in other disputes, often Italian. Nothing wrong with a politician decides to change the lens. However, when exercising it 'already' and a charge for which 'complaint was elected at least lack of attention to the people of his constituents, not to mention their betrayal. The transformation and 'an ancient evil of Italian politics. But they probably had never seen that in a few months or a few years now opted for another elected public office in the house or in another country without too many compliments for his former constituents. But the question
e’: sara’ che questa scelta di cambiamento di campo e’ anche motivato dall’aria che tira, dal fiutare che ormai per i rappresentanti italiani eletti all’estero siamo alla frutta e che e’ meglio scegliersi un’altra carriera prima di rimanere a piedi?

Eh si mio caro lettore, parole e fatti sembrano andare in un’unica direzione: farla finita con i rappresentanti italiani eletti all’estero. Ma e’ un bene o un male?
Per cio’ che hanno prodotto (quasi niente) sembrerebbe essere un bene e tuttavia non lo e’. Ma ci vuole una seria correzione. Per evitare un trasformismo sfacciato bisogna che nell’esercizio del loro mandato gli eletti all’estero si representatives of the community to support it 'Italian abroad. But not to other institutions and Comites baroque, without any contact with reality '. But the true representatives of the community ', those who have the pulse of the situation, who know their needs and are able to act on their behalf. Without them the Italian MPs elected abroad will be free to be enticed by the temptations of power and forget where they come from and their communities'. Becoming a truly unnecessary cost that the ax could cut from the Treasury.

Purely Cosmetic Home And Health

Case Baptists: Nerves on edge

“Caro Max sul caso Battisti i nervi sono a fior di pelle” mi dice il mio amico del boteco (bar povero) di Sao Paolo. “Quella email che mi hai mostrato lo dimostra” continua lui. “Da qua fammi leggere” afferma l’altro collega squattrinato del bar. Una cosa e’ in comune ai miei amici del boteco di Sao Paolo: tutti in gamba e senza un soldo. Sembra questo essere il destino di noialtri giornalisti italiani di Sao Paolo. “Ma guarda un po’. Un tipo cosi’ serio che scrive queste cose”.
E non facciamo impazzire di curiosita’ il lettore e leggiamola questa email di un illustre parlamentare italiano ricevuta dal sottoscritto.
“Caro Amico,
un solo commento: perché, nel raccontare quel che fa l'Italia politica, si ostina a non parlare mai del voto unanime della Camera dei Deputati dello scorso 26 febbraio?
A oscurare quella notizia, ci pensano già i giornali, sotto la spinta dei salotti radical-chic di Parigi, e perfino il governo che forse non vuole grane col Brasile o, appunto, coi Francesi (alla Camera è stato il governo a far tardare di diverse settimane la discussione della nostra mozione unitaria).
Ma perché ci si mette pure lei? Non capisce che this clear and unanimous vote of the Chamber, which represents the highest level the whole country according to our constitution, is the strongest evidence that Baptists is NOT a victim of political persecution? He does not realize that censoring this news to all the others that point out the errors and contradictions of our government is a big favor to the insufferable marketing of Baptists, which oscillates between proclamations of innocence and requests for forgiveness?
Obviously not, I do not understand. Or pretends to scream against Baptists, but underneath the fun is. Too bad.
XY "
" And what did you say Max? "I asked my friend with the fiery eyes.
"Dear XY
admit that I have mentioned in my articles the vote of the Chamber of Deputies. The lighthouse 'in the future. I'm sorry that you think I Battisti is nice. I guarantee that takes a great blunder.
In any case, my articles are intended to highlight the real issues behind the case Baptists. Do not want to belittle the importance of voting in the House. Allow me a little question about it: if the House was so 'unanimous about Baptists' cause I really do not vote to some extent to obtain his extradition (such as severance of diplomatic relations with Brazil, distrust of the Italian foreign minister who clearly has mishandled the whole thing), etc..?
I think if you really want to get the extradition Baptists should vote for different sizes and more 'effective. In Brazil, the news of the vote is not 'was considered as a serious break with Italy. By contrast, the perception here and 'that Italy will swallow' the toad without a murmur. And this all from the government and opposition.
In my little I will only describe the measures are truly effective. Unfortunately I know that the power of these days and Italian parliamentarians' rather limited and that even many members of the government.
It 'also true that some of his colleagues in the House have come here in Brazil at the expense of the House to travel at least questionable effectiveness (not to mention waste of public money) on the pretext of solving the case Baptists. 'Cause no one says alla Camera?
In ogni caso e' cosi' palese che Battisti non e' un perseguitato politico ma solo un volgare criminale che non lo ripeto spesso nei miei articoli.
“Max hai fatto bene non devi essere il megafono di nessuno anche quando si tratta di iniziative meritevoli come quella citata” mi dice uno dal fondo.
Eh si, man mano che la sentenza del caso Battisti si avvicina i nervi sono a fior di pelle.
Ma permettemi di dire una cosa. Se e’ vero che dobbiamo operare nella stessa direzione, e’ altrettanto vero che (non e’ il caso del parlamentare che mi scrive) molti dicono di fare ma pochi veramente fanno qualcosa. Molti sono frustrati. La realta’ e’ che, as I wrote to another Member, "Today (with all due respect) MPs are not so 'important in Italian politics."
The disconnect between voters and elected representatives' awesome. Especially those elected to 'foreign. The case has dramatically put what Baptists' emphasis. Communities 'Italian foreign manifest more and more' their impatience with the lack of attention to them in Italy. At this point, 'well what' is put in due evidence. To avoid that (in the case of elected abroad) the solution outlet, perhaps the daughter of a Baptist frustration on the case, what is' that is smoldering for some time: to eliminate the elected representatives abroad.

Dvd Recorder Finalize Sv2000

Battisti Case: Case closed?

"My dear Max, now in Italy there is an incredibly optimistic about the current case Baptists. Everyone says that the Court Supreme will give 'positive assessment of the process of extradition. What do you think? "I asked my friend at the bar of the poor reporters in Sao Paulo. "In this period in Italy there is a mess and no one understands that's going on. So 'those who talk about the case Baptists have easy game, "he says another.
Well my friends will tell you 'that I think. This is also to close on this topic that has had too much attention and too many hopes. Frankly I hope that the Brazilian Supreme Court to give opinion in favor of extradition. This is for one simple reason. This act would always fall for the hypocrisy and ignorance you have on this subject in Italy. And why ' metterebbe finalmente a nudo una verita’. La nostra politica estera e’ risibile in quanto carica di speranze fatti tutto sommato non rilevanti.
Cosa intendo? E’ il seguente. La decisione di dare asilo politico e’ stata del presidente Lula. Tuttavia si e’ data la “colpa” a Genro in Italia, mostrando una ignoranza di come vanno le cose qui in Brasile. Piu’ volte abbiamo ribadito questo concetto ma in Italia si ostinano a pensare che intendono cio’ che accade qui. Noi siamo la comunita’ italiana in Brasile, sappiamo cosa succede. Ma tant’è. Ritorniamo a cio’ che dicevamo.
Qualora la Corte Suprema brasiliana desse parere favorevole all’estradizione si tratterebbe di a compulsory but non-binding opinion. In other words, at this point the final decision on the extradition of Baptists would be taken by Lula. In this case we would finally know what tuttto in Brazil and no one seems to understand that in Italy. Lula would say no and point. Chance and 'closed, as he said recently. Finally
would drop the veil of hypocrisy and ignorance on this case in Italy. And finally understand that 'best (and most' economical) see us living here rather than hold dear in unnecessary travel and meet people of Brazil for the equivocal case.

And maybe in the future could be called a new Italian foreign policy, in consultation with Italians in the U.S. for relations with the U.S., Australia, with the Italians in that country and so 'on. Not to mention the authorities 'consular and parliamentary' cause I'm too early in the affairs of Italy, and second we live and work in Italy. Who really has the pulse of the situation is we who are living abroad. Try asking the same question to the Jewish lobby in the U.S. and you will see the answer. Who knows' why 'what' and that 'common ground in Italy and other countries' absurd.

Dvd Recorder Finalize Sv2000

Battisti Case: Case closed?

"My dear Max, now in Italy there is an incredibly optimistic about the current case Baptists. Everyone says that the Court Supreme will give 'positive assessment of the process of extradition. What do you think? "I asked my friend at the bar of the poor reporters in Sao Paulo. "In this period in Italy there is a mess and no one understands that's going on. So 'those who talk about the case Baptists have easy game, "he says another.
Well my friends will tell you 'that I think. This is also to close on this topic that has had too much attention and too many hopes. Frankly I hope that the Brazilian Supreme Court to give opinion in favor of extradition. This is for one simple reason. This act would always fall for the hypocrisy and ignorance you have on this subject in Italy. And why ' metterebbe finalmente a nudo una verita’. La nostra politica estera e’ risibile in quanto carica di speranze fatti tutto sommato non rilevanti.
Cosa intendo? E’ il seguente. La decisione di dare asilo politico e’ stata del presidente Lula. Tuttavia si e’ data la “colpa” a Genro in Italia, mostrando una ignoranza di come vanno le cose qui in Brasile. Piu’ volte abbiamo ribadito questo concetto ma in Italia si ostinano a pensare che intendono cio’ che accade qui. Noi siamo la comunita’ italiana in Brasile, sappiamo cosa succede. Ma tant’è. Ritorniamo a cio’ che dicevamo.
Qualora la Corte Suprema brasiliana desse parere favorevole all’estradizione si tratterebbe di a compulsory but non-binding opinion. In other words, at this point the final decision on the extradition of Baptists would be taken by Lula. In this case we would finally know what tuttto in Brazil and no one seems to understand that in Italy. Lula would say no and point. Chance and 'closed, as he said recently. Finally
would drop the veil of hypocrisy and ignorance on this case in Italy. And finally understand that 'best (and most' economical) see us living here rather than hold dear in unnecessary travel and meet people of Brazil for the equivocal case.

And maybe in the future could be called a new Italian foreign policy, in consultation with Italians in the U.S. for relations with the U.S., Australia, with the Italians in that country and so 'on. Not to mention the authorities 'consular and parliamentary' cause I'm too early in the affairs of Italy, and second we live and work in Italy. Who really has the pulse of the situation is we who are living abroad. Try asking the same question to the Jewish lobby in the U.S. and you will see the answer. Who knows' why 'what' and that 'common ground in Italy and other countries' absurd.

Cva Apollo Owners Manual

Case Baptists: the solution gaucho?

"Dear Max, carnival and 'over, the Italian parliament have returned home after an expensive visit here in Brazil and what is the situation now? What will happen ' Baptists in the case? "I asked my friend in the bar of the poor reporters in Sao Paulo. "The situation 'fluid, the Italian parliament have returned full of expectations but I think the situation is not' changed: no chance to extradite the terrorist," answered my friend in my place and squat down in front of the inevitable cervejinha (cold beer) in the summer heat of Sao Paulo. "But because 'our MPs like to visit loved ones and no results, but I know the answer," replied a lanky with emphasis in southern Brazil by the fund. "Who is' who speaks?" I ask. "And he replied:" I'm Thomas, a reporter Italian poor gauchos of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. "
"Come here, Thomas and tell us your solution io.E say Thomas is from the bottom and begins:" Had they talked to us, the voice of the community 'Italian in Brazil, we would have avoided spending money we gave to the Italian Parliament and a suggestion is much more 'effective chat with parliamentarians of Brasilia. "
"Go tell us all not to keep us on the rope," answered my friend down and stocky with a typical temperament "fiery" Southern.
"The point 'as follows: Brazil in the community' more Italian 'closest living in Southern Italy, especially in Rio Grande do Sul. Li 'we are strong, molti di noi parlano italiano correntemente (a differenza di altri parti del Brasile), sentiamo forte il legame con l’Italia. In piu’ i legami economici sono forti e si è sentito l’effetto ad esempio nello stato di Santa Caterina (stato vicino al nostro) di un annullamento di una visita italiana di commercio a causa del caso Battisti”. “E allora?” interrompe il tipo bassino.
“E allora ecco di cosa si tratta: il ministro della giustizia Tasso Genro e’ il probabile pre-candidato del PT a governo dello stato. E’ interessatissimo a questa carica. Tuttavia si tratta di una elezione complicata. Il peso della comunita’ italiana e’ sicuramente decisivo per vincere le elezioni. Se la comunita’ Italo-Brazilian in consequence of the denial of extradition of Baptists voted for the candidate opposite Genro, they certainly lose the election. And you might think Genro elections for Baptists? ". "Who are the Italians with more influence gaucho electorate?" Asks my friend Tuscan with his unmistakable accent. "Bonaspetti, Andrini, all of whom have received a large number of votes of Italian-Brazilians in the last election. And many more. " "But Max always said that the decision on the extradition of Battisti and 'was taken by Lula Genro not." Shall be the South. "Well," I am speaking, "'real, and as 'Genro also true that if he felt the danger of losing the election in Porto Alegre and' would likely pressure on Lula. The result is a beautiful mess. And Lula also think twice before saying no to Italy, "says continuing.
"But it 's interference in Brazilian politics," said someone from the bottom. "And what is the news'?" Said a third. "This happens every day in the U.S. with other communities' and no one is scandalized. Actually, it 'just so' that enhance communities 'abroad, with consultations between the motherland and the same community' to find a common point of action. Italy does not like to ignore us, and then accuses us is here for the carnival with the excuse to intervene to Baptists. "
And I leave you with this last comment and suggestion to turn the Speaker of the House Fini. If he had consulted could save the cost of expensive trips to the Italian tax with this suggestion of our friend gaucho, perhaps of greater value than that obtained in the corridors of Brasilia sent by the Italian Parliament. We only hope that next time you call us first.

Cva Apollo Owners Manual

Case Baptists: the solution gaucho?

"Dear Max, carnival and 'over, the Italian parliament have returned home after an expensive visit here in Brazil and what is the situation now? What will happen ' Baptists in the case? "I asked my friend in the bar of the poor reporters in Sao Paulo. "The situation 'fluid, the Italian parliament have returned full of expectations but I think the situation is not' changed: no chance to extradite the terrorist," answered my friend in my place and squat down in front of the inevitable cervejinha (cold beer) in the summer heat of Sao Paulo. "But because 'our MPs like to visit loved ones and no results, but I know the answer," replied a lanky with emphasis in southern Brazil by the fund. "Who is' who speaks?" I ask. "And he replied:" I'm Thomas, a reporter Italian poor gauchos of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. "
"Come here, Thomas and tell us your solution io.E say Thomas is from the bottom and begins:" Had they talked to us, the voice of the community 'Italian in Brazil, we would have avoided spending money we gave to the Italian Parliament and a suggestion is much more 'effective chat with parliamentarians of Brasilia. "
"Go tell us all not to keep us on the rope," answered my friend down and stocky with a typical temperament "fiery" Southern.
"The point 'as follows: Brazil in the community' more Italian 'closest living in Southern Italy, especially in Rio Grande do Sul. Li 'we are strong, molti di noi parlano italiano correntemente (a differenza di altri parti del Brasile), sentiamo forte il legame con l’Italia. In piu’ i legami economici sono forti e si è sentito l’effetto ad esempio nello stato di Santa Caterina (stato vicino al nostro) di un annullamento di una visita italiana di commercio a causa del caso Battisti”. “E allora?” interrompe il tipo bassino.
“E allora ecco di cosa si tratta: il ministro della giustizia Tasso Genro e’ il probabile pre-candidato del PT a governo dello stato. E’ interessatissimo a questa carica. Tuttavia si tratta di una elezione complicata. Il peso della comunita’ italiana e’ sicuramente decisivo per vincere le elezioni. Se la comunita’ Italo-Brazilian in consequence of the denial of extradition of Baptists voted for the candidate opposite Genro, they certainly lose the election. And you might think Genro elections for Baptists? ". "Who are the Italians with more influence gaucho electorate?" Asks my friend Tuscan with his unmistakable accent. "Bonaspetti, Andrini, all of whom have received a large number of votes of Italian-Brazilians in the last election. And many more. " "But Max always said that the decision on the extradition of Battisti and 'was taken by Lula Genro not." Shall be the South. "Well," I am speaking, "'real, and as 'Genro also true that if he felt the danger of losing the election in Porto Alegre and' would likely pressure on Lula. The result is a beautiful mess. And Lula also think twice before saying no to Italy, "says continuing.
"But it 's interference in Brazilian politics," said someone from the bottom. "And what is the news'?" Said a third. "This happens every day in the U.S. with other communities' and no one is scandalized. Actually, it 'just so' that enhance communities 'abroad, with consultations between the motherland and the same community' to find a common point of action. Italy does not like to ignore us, and then accuses us is here for the carnival with the excuse to intervene to Baptists. "
And I leave you with this last comment and suggestion to turn the Speaker of the House Fini. If he had consulted could save the cost of expensive trips to the Italian tax with this suggestion of our friend gaucho, perhaps of greater value than that obtained in the corridors of Brasilia sent by the Italian Parliament. We only hope that next time you call us first.