Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dvd Recorder Finalize Sv2000

Battisti Case: Case closed?

"My dear Max, now in Italy there is an incredibly optimistic about the current case Baptists. Everyone says that the Court Supreme will give 'positive assessment of the process of extradition. What do you think? "I asked my friend at the bar of the poor reporters in Sao Paulo. "In this period in Italy there is a mess and no one understands that's going on. So 'those who talk about the case Baptists have easy game, "he says another.
Well my friends will tell you 'that I think. This is also to close on this topic that has had too much attention and too many hopes. Frankly I hope that the Brazilian Supreme Court to give opinion in favor of extradition. This is for one simple reason. This act would always fall for the hypocrisy and ignorance you have on this subject in Italy. And why ' metterebbe finalmente a nudo una verita’. La nostra politica estera e’ risibile in quanto carica di speranze fatti tutto sommato non rilevanti.
Cosa intendo? E’ il seguente. La decisione di dare asilo politico e’ stata del presidente Lula. Tuttavia si e’ data la “colpa” a Genro in Italia, mostrando una ignoranza di come vanno le cose qui in Brasile. Piu’ volte abbiamo ribadito questo concetto ma in Italia si ostinano a pensare che intendono cio’ che accade qui. Noi siamo la comunita’ italiana in Brasile, sappiamo cosa succede. Ma tant’รจ. Ritorniamo a cio’ che dicevamo.
Qualora la Corte Suprema brasiliana desse parere favorevole all’estradizione si tratterebbe di a compulsory but non-binding opinion. In other words, at this point the final decision on the extradition of Baptists would be taken by Lula. In this case we would finally know what tuttto in Brazil and no one seems to understand that in Italy. Lula would say no and point. Chance and 'closed, as he said recently. Finally
would drop the veil of hypocrisy and ignorance on this case in Italy. And finally understand that 'best (and most' economical) see us living here rather than hold dear in unnecessary travel and meet people of Brazil for the equivocal case.

And maybe in the future could be called a new Italian foreign policy, in consultation with Italians in the U.S. for relations with the U.S., Australia, with the Italians in that country and so 'on. Not to mention the authorities 'consular and parliamentary' cause I'm too early in the affairs of Italy, and second we live and work in Italy. Who really has the pulse of the situation is we who are living abroad. Try asking the same question to the Jewish lobby in the U.S. and you will see the answer. Who knows' why 'what' and that 'common ground in Italy and other countries' absurd.


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