Monday, November 22, 2010

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The Pope and the Condom: Answers Pannella.

published in full, the intervention of Marco Pannella on alleged Vatican conducted on the use of condoms. I am in total agreement with the old lion in via Torre Argentina!

Here is the profile of Panel on facebook where I took the text.

are obsessed with sex and see it so demonic. They think the prostitutes, instead of thinking about Africa, to the many husbands and wives that have imposed chastity. "

that of Pope Benedict XVI on contraception is not a "turning point", according to the Radicals, but at plus a "mistake." "The opening made by the Pope on condoms? It is a distraction, a small topic that has escaped to the Pope, "said Marco Pannella, leader of the Radicals historian, speaking on Radio Radical. "It is no coincidence that Ratzinger has said, 'Of course, if there is a prostitute ...'. To that world, however, if it comes to sex you end up just talking about prostitution, not love. Because they are obsessed with sex and see it as demonic, like dirt. " Then Pannella said: "Rocco Buttiglione has stated that 'is part of the consideration doctrine of the Church between the lesser evil and more evil. Quindi, nel momento in cui c’è il male della prostituzione, la cosa più grave sarebbe quella di diffondere ulteriormente l’Hiv’. Questa precisazione è molto opportuna. Ma è anche un po’ urgente e tardiva. Il Papa, e Buttiglione, se ne sono accorti tardi. Loro infatti hanno taciuto in modo blasfemo del rapporto male minore-male maggiore, quando in intere zone del mondo hanno raccontato che la castità era l’unica alternativa all’Aids, che non si poteva usare il preservativo, che occorreva unirsi sessualmente e procreare come bestie…”.“Il grande nemico di questa concezione è il concepire responsabilmente e con amore”, continua l’esponente radicale: “Vorrei say to the Pope and all those, but you realize that you've all dealt with divorce and abortion when we have forced us? When we started we to fight against the scourge of illegal abortion, mass and clerical, at this point you have gone. But first one should not talk about it, it was forbidden. Then I say that this is the clash, the clash of religion and is against choice and fetishistic simoniacal allies. The fetish is to protect not the person - the father and mother, people who love each other - but protecting the embryo from the zygote and the possibility of an intervention. This is not a turning point of the Pope, is a topical, a weakness. Now everyone should think Africa, in wife and husband there, but for prostitutes .... " Finally ending with a pun on the rate of secularism Finian: "on line casino-Fini-etc., He's right another Democrat, Calogero Mannino, who first said that Casino-Fini is an operation and has by Democrat said, 'neo-clerical'. And it's true. Not by chance Casini spoke against Roberto Saviano only because he did speak Mina Welby. "


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