Monday, November 29, 2010

Candlelight Service Script

Overshoot. Meet the magician

We published the second issue of the bulletin of tl Rientrodolce Overshoot .

This number, in addition to a number of news and information, contains a substantial essay on Malthus Marisa Cohen.

reproduce below the editorial presentation of the issue:

The stone guest (editorial)

This issue contains a substantial essay on Malthus's Maria Luisa Cohen. Very often we had to discuss ideas Malthus with people who, apparently had not read a line in the main and most famous work, the Scottish economist and moralist: the "Essay on the Principle of Population." I've read that the [1] I found confirmation of the idea that most of the things you say about Malthus are derived from second-hand ideas informed by a progressive manner and without the slightest attention to the amount of demographic and ecological phenomena that have always determine the material basis of ecological crises. [2] Maria Luisa Cohen's essay does justice to all these interpretations of the thought of Malthus undocumented presenting his work in the light of the political debate- philosophy of the moment history in which it developed, and therefore with its limitations, but also its undeniable relevance.

Malthus is the guest of stone of any discussion of population, as well as the Club of Rome and his "The Limits to Growth" it is for any consideration of the so-called sustainability. And the concept of sustainable human population, or its metabolism social and economic life takes from the moment that priest economist offers the first comparison between population growth and the growth of resources to support it. It is not surprising that a publication like ours, which has drawn on the concept of exceeding the carrying capacity, overshoot or tracimanzione label for those who do not like English, is indebted to the Rev.. Malthus.

As we learned from Luigi De Marchi, any consideration of sustainability that does not include the demographic factor is distorted from the start. A mere exercise in empty propaganda. Let it be clear that we are not talking about sustainable development. You are just talking about that thing we call "soft return" and that other show with other expressions accompanied by very specific ideas about how to obtain this state of grace, but without ever touching the theme of human reproduction which is the basis of ' population explosion and without putting their hands in which every care of its local and global environmental effects, will be a cure symptomatic [3] or, worse, a placebo.

Luca Pardi (Secretary of Rientrodolce)


[1] Re-reading Malthus. Luca Pardi. Resources, Economy, Environment. Blog of ASPO-Italy. April 24, 2009.
[2] Collapse - How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Jared Diamond. Einaudi 2005.
[3] The elephants of Jay Forrester. Malthus day. December 5, 2009.


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