Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Patience Ozokwor's Financial Worth

Baptists, the latest hoax against the Italians to 'foreign

We are all them 'to do the counting backwards for the New Year with champagne in hand. Less than 5, less than 4, minus 3 minus 2 and minus 1 stop: Lula grant political asylum to Cesare Battisti, convicted of multiple murder in Italy. Twist to 'last second the Italian murderess earn rentals in Copacabana for the rest of his days. The chicken game is over. The dealer wins.

you expected? Yes? No? Maybe? The controversy was so appropriate Baptists debated, discussed again, approached from all angles that frankly the Italo-Brazilians are waiting for the end. Another thing is the happy ending pero '. That there will 'probably.

What can 'learn from this story? That Italy has once again missed an opportunity to exploit his people across borders, to the Italians' foreign.
The 30 million Italians who are natives of Brazil, the country's most 'Italian in the world outside their own borders are forgotten, regarded with indifference if not with detachment.
Italy ignores his children. It does not know them. The Italian disapora, the largest in the history of humanity is ignored by the country.
No surprise then that Italy is not in any way to influence policy in Brazil even give himself the murderer sentenced in Italy.
humiliated by a country which has among its top executives with many of the Italian name. But only the name is Italian. The rest is Brazilian.

Why? Why the 'Italy has no policy to all Italians' foreign. The less you hear better. When an Italian businessman to travel 'abroad the last thing he does is seek Italian in the country where he goes. Unlike the British or American or French.

Italy and Italians in Italy do not know how to value their assets' abroad. On the contrary are completely ignorant about it and not know it. The result: a wavering foreign policy, no direction, no purpose. A foreign policy to reject in its entirety.
This is not because the right is in power. The left did the same thing. The paradox is that when it comes to Italians' foreign policy differences between the blocks disappear Italian.

policy is the same. Skip to Italians' foreign. From time to time develop some programs for Italian institutions with the excuse that to help Italians to 'foreign and receive money from the state if they qualify. Without a concrete impact on the Italians to 'foreign.

Consulates are cut savagely in Ministry programs. Language courses are becoming less and less. The Italian publishing all 'foreign cut more and more' coarse and is a land of conquest for some media groups that receive the most benefits.

to Be Italian 'external means to be in God's hands, especially if one is held to' foreign.

The enormous economic potential and financial italaina native community in the world is grossly squandered by our politicians that when you visit them treat them as phenomena barracone. Those elected to 'foreign countries, with few exceptions, are so reprehensible that some are even jailed for collusion with the Mafia and Ndrangheta.

And in the end the irony of fate: the Italian-Brazilian was even accused of not supporting the request for the extradition of Battisti.

It 'really true the famous quote, Toto' about it. Looking into the face of our political class might say, but let me pleasure.


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