Thursday, December 9, 2010

Community Service Completion Letter Sample

Bahia Salvador de Bahia, Italian shame

"Do not beat me por favor, do not beat me." In response, a fist hard on the ear drops and rises a cry of pain. Scene sad, very sad, that happens in a school in Brazil, in Salvador de Bahia. Two particular
pero 'strike: 1) the school has a nursery, where there are children of 4 and 5 years. The second is that the child, D., is not Brazilian. E 'Italian. Born in Rome with Italian passport, the son of a retired policeman (retired baby) who lives in Salvador de Bahia.

But how can an Italian leaves his son in a school like this? Dove i bambini sono pieni di malattie, dove sono brutalmente picchiati a sangue da altri bambini della loro età, che chissà quali altre violenze subiscono nelle loro case e che “sfogano” la loro rabbia nella scuola?

Non lo sa il carabiniere in pensione cosa succede nella scuola pubblica brasiliana? E qui la risposta è di quelle che mi fa vergognare: lo sa ma non se ne frega niente, nemmeno del proprio figlio.

Ha abbandonato la madre che ora vive in miseria in una squallida casa. Dopo essersi invaghito della donna, l’ha portata in Italia, dove è nato il bimbo. Per un po’ sono stati in Italia poi hanno deciso di tornare in Brasile. Hanno vissuto circa un anno insieme, con molti agi. La pensione the policeman is not bad if you live in Brazil. Then he has fallen in love with the maid, and fled with her. Then another and another. And here I stop because I do not know who it is now. But
know who is his son. In a school where it is not abandoned, is brutally beaten on a daily basis. D. ways to have Italian child does not have the malice and cruelty of fellow class born in the favelas of Salvador and learned early in life. Where is the mercy of everyone and everything. Where they already want to fall in love in the classroom, threatening to kill teachers, only 4 to 5 years.

D. can not defend themselves. No one defends him. His father does not care. His Italian family cares. Italy and the Honorary Consul cares. Nobody gives a damn. It 's only. And if you survive the daily torture and disease that takes at school will become a marginal.

I know that life is hard and the injustices that are on the agenda. But a child of 4-5 years "appanha" (fought) every day for a shot of one of our fellow frankly I consider it a disgrace.

Italian to 'this is not foreign. But we must also talk about this. Not to forget. To do something. For D., who today will have his daily ration of punches and kicks in the face. No fault. His.


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