Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lucky Date Electro Refill

The jester of Italian

and finally 'solved. The perennial problem of migrants in conditions of extreme poverty. It adopts' the Final Solution. the last one. physiological ones.
1) we are talking about over sixty in poverty especially in the South American favelas;
2) if they have begun to speak in 1975 at the First National Conference on Emigration, as authoritatively confirmed Mr Bafile (I already 'dead in the past 30 years and who knows' how many migrants in the meantime);
3) it provides for the grant of the gradual progress of solidarity on the basis of which would not be immediately paid the monthly amount of 123 € but for the first year of law enforcement data would be € 90 per month, € 106.5 for the second year and you get only in the third year of the figure of € 123: if Bafile proposal and who knows when it will be 'approved, and with figures so' low as to seem made with humorous spirit,
the final solution looks like the following: We hope that these poor pass to a better life.
In fact, considering that the average life expectancy in Latin America (especially in the favelas) are unlikely to exceed 65 years, already 'our fellow citizens are deprived of such longevity um' for South American standards.
Add to this that the difficulties' approval of bills such as the honorable and cited the fragility 'of this government, and' clear that the proposed law (the real secret, but that is not revealed puo’ dedurre daí fatti citati), la soluzione del governo dell’Illustrissimo Danieli sembra essere:
facciamola finita com ‘sti vecchi, aspettiamo che crepino. In fondo dal 75 ad oggi la maggior parte gia’ se ne e’ andata, e’ solo questione di aspettare un poco perche’ anche gli ultimi si esauriscano.
Ma sapete qual’e’ l’ironia della sorte?
Che se, come nelle commedie medievali, un giullare invertisse i destini di alcuni degli ultrasettantenni poveri indigenti (próprio in Sudamerica) con quelli di alcuni illustri rappresentanti di questi che siedono al Parlamento della loro stessa eta’, questi ora vivrebbero nelle favelas sudamericane e la soluzione saline would be adopted for them. Therefore
luck for them that these things happen only in comedies, but never say never in life.

(article published October 28, 2007)


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