Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sundiro 50cc Mopedparts

Who are the real representatives of Italians abroad?

“Caro Max dopo i tuoi recenti articoli e’ tutto un fiorire di rappresentanti italiani all’estero. In sudamerica come in Nordamerica, in Australia come in Sudafrica questo termine e’ diventato comune dentro le comunita’ italiane all’estero. Molti si alzano ed affermano che loro sono i veri, gli autentici rappresentanti della comunita’. Ma chi sono per te veramente i rappresentanti degli italiani all’estero?” mi chiede il mio lettore dal Peru’?

Beh, la domanda e’ complessa perche’ si is to identify a category much sought after but very little known. When it goes up huge areas such as entire continents and 'an illusion to think that someone could be the mood of the community' in an Italian way 'vast space. However if you look well the characteristics of the communities 'Italian abroad are common denominators that make it' the firm to identify who can represent these communities 'is not so' impossible.

tried because 'to make some comparisons that are completely arbitrary, but give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we speak. Che Guevara was undoubtedly right or wrong, a leader of Latin America. Amato or What was he hated by which millions of Latinos identified themselves. Perhaps the reason for this success was the fact that, in the 'political reasons, who knew the reality' of the social Latin American people regardless of where he was. This 'because', having traveled extensively, had known different reality 'of the various Latin American countries and, beyond the' significant differences, he understood the basic similarities. This is' perhaps the reason for its popularity 'among all levels of society, beyond the' political ideas. Here's the leader of the community 's so great to wrap entire continents have to know the different reality' is not "From 'high' and met personality 'of the top community', but from the bottom up, talking to the humble people of the community ', and discussing with them the questions. Whether it's leading right-wing and left the true leader and 'one who has these characteristics. The person who the people feel part of it 'cause it knows and understands their problems.

for communities' Italian abroad occurs the same thing. The representative systems introduced in the past (Comites, etc..) Are absolutely useless and harmful to represent the communities' abroad. No wonder it is from the right and left if it calls for their abolition or revision. If you ask an average Italian resident abroad and that 'the member of his comites and what it does to 95% the answer will be' I do not know. Same goes for MPs elected abroad. Very often, the membership of a party or a patronage encourages use of his name before the election. However, if you repeat the question above the answer to 95% will be 'the same: I do not know.

This is because 'the districts are too big' cause the persons elected to be known, you say. Perhaps it 's true. There 's yet another reason why even the most' important beyond 'the reputation' or not 's service in question, la comunita’ italiana all’estero sa che il tipo non conosce i loro problemi. Questi e’ indicato da partiti o appoggiato da sindacati ma pochi lo conoscono nella comunita’ italiana. Peggio ancora lui stesso la conosce poco. I suoi galoppini di tanto in tanto fanno interrogazioni “senz’anima” in parlamento su cosa succede ad esempio in Venezuela o in Cile, ma lui, l’eletto, non sa come si comporta la comunita’ la’, ne’ (molto spesso) gli importa.

Tuttavia recentemente con l’aumento dei viaggi e la diffusione di internet e’ nata una nuova generazione di persone che si muovono in un continente come il sudamerica, il nordamerica o l’australia come se fossero at home. They have contacts with the communities' local and above all they regularly receive reports on their problems. The report and 'immediate and unmediated by minions of politicians. For these people, real representatives of the communities 'Italian abroad, receiving an email from an MP or a small Italian citizen abroad and' the same. I'm not interested in fame 'or a political career but to try to solve community problems'. Sometimes these people stand up for your rights "in the words of Bob Marley. Now arise conspiracy seeking to understand their current policy (right or left), people who tend to delegitimize, who feel offended or embarrassed by them. These are people that move with the logic of the past and who look askance at this new phenomenon. Basically the same election of Obama in the U.S. and 'based on the same principle: to recognize the new ideas rather than old people in the past. Ideas that are represented by people like Obama who embodies the values \u200b\u200bof the community 'it represents. From Wyoming to Arizona from New York to California, people have seen a real person that Obama will bring 'change' cause he knows the problems. A humble but firm. A true representative of the community 'American.
the same way the true representatives of the communities' Italian abroad sono persone che, al di la’ della loro provenienza, capiscono i problemi delle loro comunita’ anche se vaste. Persone che vengono dal basso, che non sono scelte dall’alto. Per questo sono amate dalle loro comunita’ e temute dai politici vecchio stile, che non sanno come avere a che fare con loro.
Tuttavia, fintantoche’ questi veri rappresentanti delle comunita’ italiane saranni ignorati dal potere centrale, aumentera’ sempre piu’ lo scollamento tra politica e comunita’, tra pensiero e azione.
Con il risultato che alla fine le comunita’italiane all’estero si senteranno sempre meno legate all’Italia e per sempre perdute dall’Italia. C’e’ qualcuno Italy in hopes that maybe this gift.
"Timaeus gives Danaos et ferentes" dicavano Latinos about these types of gifts.


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