Monday, August 9, 2010

Future Shop Cover Letter Examples

Live like a local in Brazil?

"I want to live like a local, as a Brazilian" says my friend who visits me from 'Italy. "Are you sure?" I say, I live like a local here in Brazil. Oh yes' because they live like a local is tough, really tough, especially for an Italian. Why? Why have all the disadvantages of being a Brazilian and those to be an Italian. The first can be summed up in the professional qualifications, which in Italy would be an advantage and a handicap here in Brasilesono.
Yes', because you're too qualified Italian and then (especially in the North East of Brazil) will not ever have a job where your boss does not even have a tenth of your qualifications and earn a tenth of what you earned in Italy. So why are not

back in Italy? Easy to say but hard to do, especially when your cv there are years in Brazil that interrupt a wonderful career. But I may go back ', because it is one thing to be' on holiday abroad a 'live and the other is in Brazil this is completely different from those of the postcard where you live.

Ah, I forgot, the disadvantages of being Italian. Can be summarized thus: all (or almost) here think you're a millionaire, and then plucking a chicken, always. Consequently, prices for you are two to three times those for a Brazilian. Just open your mouth to sellers of shops you smile and you are courting. Then when you find out why the case: the bill. Not to mention
of the 'siege' in the streets, beaches by beggars and people involved. On the beach of Porto da Barra in Salvador Italians middle-aged, balding and advanced with the bacon and then discover that the bottom are not so 'overweight they' were regarded as unattractive when they lived in Italy. Li 'barely picked up looks ugly glasses. There are beautiful girls with curves dizzy them 'people to look at making flying a haunting self-esteem. And then, needless detail, the bill at a restaurant or at 'the hotel or the store when the doors to some present.

But back to "live like a local." I am 20 minutes che aspetto in piedi l’autobus che non arriva, con un vento terribile che mi scompiglia i capelli. Non quella brezza del mare che ti fa sentire meglio ma un vento selvaggio che viene dal mare e che annuncia burrasca. Da tutte le parti locali camminano con cose pesanti in mano, che caricano personalmente perchè pochissimi hanno l’auto. Se stai male l’ospedale pubblico assomiglia ad un lager.

La scuola pubblica inutile parlarne perchè è come un punto di smercio di droga. Hai il coraggio di portare i tuoi figli li’? E allora giu’ a spendere 400 reais per la scuola privata, che diventano 800 ( quasi 350 euro) per due figli. E quando è economica, perchè quella cara costa il doppio.

E allora mi torna alla mente la domanda che ho fatto all’ inizio al mio amico: “Ma sei sicuro che vuoi vivere come un locale?”


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