Saturday, January 9, 2010

Translate Sibutramina Into English

's hard emigration of Italians in Bahia

“Vai la’ in Brasile. Ti pagano il viaggio.Ti danno casa, 2 mucche, 40 ettari di terra, trattori, tutto.” Ed il contadino, reduce dalla durissima guerra mondiale, che era poverissimo ma con tanti figli, senza prospettive, senza futuro, abboccava.
La mamma Italia cacciava i suoi figli. Quando mai si e’ visto che una madre, in una situazione di grande difficolta’, incoraggia i suoi figli ad andare via, per sempre? Che mamma e’ questa? L’ Italia del dopoguerra, anni ‘50.
“E’ una storia Old Max, nobody wants more 'feel, and' boring, but you have to tell because it 's the story of our lives. You only live once and I have taken the life, took away the right to live in my homeland. " So 'is about my friend Antonio, Itirucu, city' of the interior of the state of Bahia.

To get there 'will take you to a very dangerous road. Out of 5 3 accidents on that road trip, the last before my eyes. The driver of the 'truck lost control of the vehicle, fell asleep and has spread to the other carriageway. By a miracle the truck that came in the opposite direction has avoided head-on collision and the driver the 'bus Where' I was suddenly slowed to avoid a collision.
So I'm still here to tell the story of Antonio.

"When I left the town where I lived near Pescara in the '50s, we lived with the bathroom outside. But there was light, electricity, roads, drinking water and tractors to plow the land. When I came here there was nothing to Itirucu. Only mata (forest). Ne 'water or' home, they 'light, nothing.
We came back from 50 to 100 years in time. We had cleared, work the land, sometimes unproductive, sometimes with bare hands, with nails. Here in Brazil did not know the ' lettuce, tomato, all the typical products of Italian agriculture. We had to fetch water for miles and women loaded the buckets of 'water on the head until we found the' water near the house and done well. "

" It 's been very hard, inhuman. We had no opportunity 'to study, and something that I' very sorry. The best here was the fifth grade.

L 'Amerika, one of the dreams, the promises in Pescara, and it' revealed for what it was: we have thrown away, expelled from Italy '. "" But, "I say," they say in Italy, and' was your choice, no one I uploaded to force the ship to emigrate. "

"But tell me, Max, he had to do my father died of hunger, many children and the dream of free land? You were right, I would have done the same. But then we saw that here in Itirucu reality 'was very different. "

"Now you come and tell me that Italy and 'interested in us, those children who 60 years ago has passed away. But you, if you were me would you believe? ".

"But you know what 's the revenge of fate dear Max? And 'now the' Italy has the same problem in the past on the contrary, the flow of immigrants from 'Africa, from other countries. And she, who has been expelled his children, must educate the children of others, and can not 'do not do,' cause she and 'a country of immigrants, can not' can discriminate against other immigrants. Beautiful irony is not it? "
And to you dear reader to turn the question of Itirucu Antonio, Italian, Bahia, Brazil.


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