Monday, October 12, 2009

Zybt20-100 Dongle Bluetooth Drivers Downloud

Finally .... victory!



: Cerioni, Cars, Carpineti, Pierucci, Rossi, venerable Vagnini, Grassi (1'st Livi), Pecoraro, Oliva (35 'Lazzari) Fraternale. Appendix: De Santi.

BOLOGNA: Petracca, Coda, Bartolini, Pederzoli, Lyrics, Campitello (35'pt Mazzanti), Dameri, Cocchi, Anselmi (27'st Vagnini) Licalzi, Valentini. Herds: Brighetti.

NETWORKS: 38'st Rossi

TAVULLIA : Victory of the measure on the famed Bologna CF, although with great difficulty. A welcome and important victory for the ranking, but also of morale after two consecutive defeats to avoidable errors. A win even more beautiful if you keep in mind the big problems we had during the race with a bench decimated by injuries and various commitments, at 30 'for the first time the captain Oliva, and pillar of the game of Rio Salty, in contrast to falls ground and injured his knee. Attempts to return, but soon he must leave the playing field. Mr. De Santi enters the new player Lazzari. At the other end of the first cold shower: Fats in a fast has a chance to score with an action very clear, ma si infila proprio sulla traiettoria del portiere Petracca, che esperta, non si lascia scappare né la palla, né la caviglia della giocatrice, colpendola con violenza: KO anche per l’attaccante. Entra così la quattordicenne Livi per la sua prima vera partita di campionato. Va detto che entrambe si sono comportate in maniera ottima, dimostrando grande carattere e spirito di sacrificio. E la vittoria è il segnale delle capacità delle marchigiane, che però spesso pagano la poca concentrazione e la disattenzione. Domenica invece, vuoi per la mancanza delle due forti giocatrici in campo, vuoi per la voglia di vincere, il Rio Salso ha dominato e poche volte si è oltrepassata la metà campo. Cerioni ha avuto poco da fare, ma si ready been found in some occasion that might have become dangerous. The most dangerous was the Rossi, who has tried about six or seven opportunities to exploit the corner. On the first occasion he touched the pole, then hit the goalkeeper, then grazed the bar, until finally the 38'st goals: on the corner of Fraternale, Rossi bags and head always joke Petracca.
In the final two fine chances for Lazzari and Livi, but do not take advantage. But they are forgivable. Now the problem arises in the next week we hope to retrieve both footballers in order to continue the positive trail. Next Sunday match with the near Cesenatico.

again - Casalgrande 1-4
Women Rio - Bologna 1-0
Correggese - Football West 3-3
Coriano - Virtus
Olimpia 1-1 Romagna Forli - Crusaders 4-3 Noceto
Sorbolo - N. Team 6-3 Ferrara
Rest: Vignola


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