Friday, April 24, 2009

Maxi Mounds Infection

Italians abroad: the light at the end of the tunnel?

"Max said it was over, that there was no longer 'hope, that it was unnecessary to write about Italians abroad and here you are writing again. What happened? "I asked with a squint in this cold day in April my friend at the bar in the Porto da Barra, Salvador, Bahia.
The cold and rain are the masters in this period and nobody comes out of the house if you can '. As usual in this town 'when it rains collapsed houses built in the favelas and invacoes with brittle material. And above all, people die. How 'happened to a girl a month in the favela of Gamboa, Outline and' was killed by a rock that broke off from the soil friable, has made it to pieces. Favela
of Gamboa. E 'is this the answer to my friend. I was there. Li 'Valieri I met Daniel, a boy of forty years, dogged by bad luck and bad people, but also very naive'. After visiting our poor fellow who lived in inhuman conditions I wrote in December A 2008 article that touched many people. I have received many emails of solidarity '. However, the situation of Daniel is not 'changed. The Honorary Consul of El Salvador has not lifted a finger to help Daniel, who continued to live in a hellish situation. Read the article in my blog to find out the details.

stopped writing after I began to interact with a group of Italians abroad of the real ones who live abroad and who know our problems seriously. Do not politicians who are resident abroad and live happily ever in Italy. Abroad are just passing through, are elected and then disappear. To elect our fault you say readers. And you are right because it 's our fault even though the shadow of fraud and' always there when it comes to voting abroad.

At first I was a bit 'skeptical but gradually this community' of Italians abroad won me over. People ranging from 'Australia to Germany, Brazil to the U.S., from Japan to Europe: they are people who know well the problems of Italians abroad. Sometimes lively discussions on political issues and so I created a blog that speaks only of the problems of the communities' abroad Italian in which all participate, so as of right to left. The blog has sought to address problems such as the pension received abroad, the rights of Italians abroad, what it means to be 'in various countries around the world, etc..

What does this have to ask you my dear reader? Got to do and many more. 'Cause yesterday is not the case after hearing him for months, I called Daniel. With a broken voice informed me that, abandoned by all, he had no money even to pay the rent in the favela. He would go to live under the bridge of the outline. When he told me what 'I avutro a shiver down my spine.
Bridge of Stroke. When I went there 'to visit Daniel did not know they lived' near. I discovered later, when I followed his instructions which I had given by phone.
The bridge of the edge is' something disgusting: rats, cockroaches, syringes, garbage, broken glass. And the access road to the favela, and probably the site of drug dealing of the place. The quagmire that is created when rain is drowning his shoes. Li 'are dilapidated houses, abandoned, without electricity'. So you think my dear readers. Places like 'there are in Italy. But do not believe me.
Here in South America to the disgust of the sanitary conditions are inhuman poverty scrum 'extreme of some that live in the favelas that can kill without mercy' to get the jeans, 'cause the shoes did not have anyone who lives' and then even Daniel.

Without hesitation, I contacted the group of Italians abroad, my new friends. I will not mention 'the names of people' cause it would be unfair to exclude some. There are many anonymous heroes who were mobilized immediately, without hesitation and without knowing absolutely Daniel. Such a 'sudden solidarity' frankly surprised me. Some have offered to help financially Daniel, we all wrote to the embassy, \u200b\u200bthe Foreign Office to elected politicians abroad. With the exception of Fabio Porta has promised that his sudden interest in any of these responded.
Then the "miracle". The consul in Rio de Janeiro, very good person just arrived in Rio, Umberto Malnati wrote to us saying they were allocated one thousand reais to help Daniel get out of hell where he was. Moreover, the situation will be 'followed in the future. And to say that he knew all the honorary consul for months and did nothing. Small step forward that will save 'the life of Daniel, at least for the moment.
But, the 'joy of being able to really help and not an Italian word indigent there' s a fact that should make us think.
The solidarity 'between international and concrete Italians abroad has helped one of our fellow not to die of starvation. It 's a fact. It is a light at the end of the tunnel of Italians abroad. Forse la sola e unica via di aiutare gli italiani all’estero, abbandonati dai politici, e’ di aiutarci tra di noi. Come nel caso di Daniele.

Maxi Mounds Infection

Italians abroad: the light at the end of the tunnel?

"Max said it was over, that there was no longer 'hope, that it was unnecessary to write about Italians abroad and here you are writing again. What happened? "I asked with a squint in this cold day in April my friend at the bar in the Porto da Barra, Salvador, Bahia.
The cold and rain are the masters in this period and nobody comes out of the house if you can '. As usual in this town 'when it rains collapsed houses built in the favelas and invacoes with brittle material. And above all, people die. How 'happened to a girl a month in the favela of Gamboa, Outline and' was killed by a rock that broke off from the soil friable, has made it to pieces. Favela
of Gamboa. E 'is this the answer to my friend. I was there. Li 'Valieri I met Daniel, a boy of forty years, dogged by bad luck and bad people, but also very naive'. After visiting our poor fellow who lived in inhuman conditions I wrote in December A 2008 article that touched many people. I have received many emails of solidarity '. However, the situation of Daniel is not 'changed. The Honorary Consul of El Salvador has not lifted a finger to help Daniel, who continued to live in a hellish situation. Read the article in my blog to find out the details.

stopped writing after I began to interact with a group of Italians abroad of the real ones who live abroad and who know our problems seriously. Do not politicians who are resident abroad and live happily ever in Italy. Abroad are just passing through, are elected and then disappear. To elect our fault you say readers. And you are right because it 's our fault even though the shadow of fraud and' always there when it comes to voting abroad.

At first I was a bit 'skeptical but gradually this community' of Italians abroad won me over. People ranging from 'Australia to Germany, Brazil to the U.S., from Japan to Europe: they are people who know well the problems of Italians abroad. Sometimes lively discussions on political issues and so I created a blog that speaks only of the problems of the communities' abroad Italian in which all participate, so as of right to left. The blog has sought to address problems such as the pension received abroad, the rights of Italians abroad, what it means to be 'in various countries around the world, etc..

What does this have to ask you my dear reader? Got to do and many more. 'Cause yesterday is not the case after hearing him for months, I called Daniel. With a broken voice informed me that, abandoned by all, he had no money even to pay the rent in the favela. He would go to live under the bridge of the outline. When he told me what 'I avutro a shiver down my spine.
Bridge of Stroke. When I went there 'to visit Daniel did not know they lived' near. I discovered later, when I followed his instructions which I had given by phone.
The bridge of the edge is' something disgusting: rats, cockroaches, syringes, garbage, broken glass. And the access road to the favela, and probably the site of drug dealing of the place. The quagmire that is created when rain is drowning his shoes. Li 'are dilapidated houses, abandoned, without electricity'. So you think my dear readers. Places like 'there are in Italy. But do not believe me.
Here in South America to the disgust of the sanitary conditions are inhuman poverty scrum 'extreme of some that live in the favelas that can kill without mercy' to get the jeans, 'cause the shoes did not have anyone who lives' and then even Daniel.

Without hesitation, I contacted the group of Italians abroad, my new friends. I will not mention 'the names of people' cause it would be unfair to exclude some. There are many anonymous heroes who were mobilized immediately, without hesitation and without knowing absolutely Daniel. Such a 'sudden solidarity' frankly surprised me. Some have offered to help financially Daniel, we all wrote to the embassy, \u200b\u200bthe Foreign Office to elected politicians abroad. With the exception of Fabio Porta has promised that his sudden interest in any of these responded.
Then the "miracle". The consul in Rio de Janeiro, very good person just arrived in Rio, Umberto Malnati wrote to us saying they were allocated one thousand reais to help Daniel get out of hell where he was. Moreover, the situation will be 'followed in the future. And to say that he knew all the honorary consul for months and did nothing. Small step forward that will save 'the life of Daniel, at least for the moment.
But, the 'joy of being able to really help and not an Italian word indigent there' s a fact that should make us think.
The solidarity 'between international and concrete Italians abroad has helped one of our fellow not to die of starvation. It 's a fact. It is a light at the end of the tunnel of Italians abroad. Forse la sola e unica via di aiutare gli italiani all’estero, abbandonati dai politici, e’ di aiutarci tra di noi. Come nel caso di Daniele.

Monday, April 6, 2009

How Do I Jump With The Bicycle Pokemon Pearl

Italians in Brazil

Salvador de Bahia - Marzo 2007, autobus Aeroporto, Salvador de Bahia: la signora anziana vestita di nero che parla portoghese stentato con forte accento abbruzzese sembra uscire da un film del dopoguerra italiano.
Ma la ultra settantenne con viso raggrinzito e simpático che parla con la figlia, bella signora brasiliana di mezza età, è lo specchio di questo Brasile moderno.
Per una strana combinazione l'aeroporto internazionale Luiz Eduardo Magalhães di Salvador è vicino a "Little Abruzzi" dove vive una delle maggiori comunità abruzzesi outside Italy.

February 2007, Ilhéus (south of Bahia), area fields. A farmer with a face full of wrinkles speaks with a strong Neapolitan accent on the difficulties of cultivation of the fields this year. The son, a cute mulatto responds with a Neapolitan accent, "C'avimma ago Daddy?" arm and takes the beautiful blonde in the hinterland of Bahia.
In these two images shows the difference between emigration to Brazil and that in other countries. Italians emigrated to Brazil, as the nice seventy, are now in Brazil, live with confidence the relationship with the motherland, which has forgotten them quickly labeling them as "poor immigrants".
Children of immigrants Italians in Brazil are part of the local community. I am 100% Brazilian, not Italian.

The recent controversy flared up in Italy on the Italians in Brazil and the need to close the rhetoric of emigration was triggered by another seventy, a famous columnist for the Corriere.

And the irony of this is that the summary of the controversy is to quickly forget the folk figure of the emigrant twentieth century, started with the classic cardboard suitcase.
This is because Brazil has changed, is different, is a unitary country.
And this is true, there is no country in the world more integrated in Brazil.

the mixture of races of languages, religions, especially that we see here in Bahia, there is no country in the world.

All right? Forget the emigrants?
Well no, because there are still many, are very much alive, are Italian and are forgotten by the 'Italy.

Did you know that many long-time immigrants are in a situation of complete destitution?
Did you know that those Italians who have suffered all we can, are aged in a foreign land and forgotten by their families and their homeland, they are still many, especially in Bahia?
Did you know that very few of them are registered with AIRE, which for the 'Italy still live in the Old Continent, if they still have the record in the country of origin?

But then what is the reason for the deep disaffection with the motherland "heart and soul"?

Two steps to the House of 'Italy, the last bastion of Italian Salvador de Bahia, gives a picture of the dropout situation prevailing in the Italian community.

The Italian presence in Bahia, institutional and commercial, it leaves much to be desired.
The honorary consulate, "hosted" by the House of 'Italy is still the bastion of the doubt indissoluble honorary consul Pisanu. Asked about his financial management at the Court of Auditors in Rome are still left unanswered.

Offices Commercial Embassy of Brasilia, apprised of activities of Italian investment in Bahia, is not responding. It seems to be back in time, when the Italian government was responding to hard-nosed or ignored the requests submitted.

Fortunately there is a happy exception in order and polite behavior of the Consul in Rio de Janeiro Massimo Bellelli, which always responds to questions from the press time.

Why then should a woman over seventy Abruzzo believe in his own country, when still a certified public pillory is compelled to row in the hot weather in El Salvador out of the House of 'Italy?

And the other Italian institutions, political parties who are trying to expand its presence abroad to grow the presence of Parliament?

Attempts to establish a subsidiary of DS in Salvador have been struck down by the dictates of the political secretary of Brazil Andrea Lanzi. Here in Brazil it seems that the wave of reform of the Left parties did not cross the Atlantic and the concept of internal democracy does not exist.

Worse still are the Italian right-wing parties, which practically do not exist in Bahia.
And the ACLI, the charitable institutions, other institutions? With the exception of the ILO in Salvador do not exist, nor you plan to create them.

But because the community spagnola o portoghese a Bahia, come in altre parti del Brasile, è così forte, compatta, autoprotettrice, mentre quella italiana è disgregata nel Nordest brasiliano?

Perchè si tratta di una comunità che è partita povera, e lo è rimasta anche qui in Brasile. Mentre gli spagnoli o portoghesi dominano qualunque attività economica bahiana, gli italiani non sono importanti, con alcune notevoli eccezioni come l'ospedale São Rafael.
Gli italiani sono sperduti, diffidenti, addirittura hanno paura di registrarsi all'AIRE, (i giovani emigrati perchè temono di perdere i benefici fiscali in patria).

E allora qual'è la verità sulla "retorica dell'emigrazione Italian in Brazil?

the truth probably lies somewhere in between.

It 's true that the younger generation is Brazilian and not even speak Italian (and sometimes even want to).
E', however, also true that over seventy Arzilli Bahia Italians are alive and well and have the same right to respect and consideration from our beloved homeland of seventy there, some of them distinguished commentators on the Corriere della Sera.

(published April 2, 2007)

How Do I Jump With The Bicycle Pokemon Pearl

Italians in Brazil

Salvador de Bahia - Marzo 2007, autobus Aeroporto, Salvador de Bahia: la signora anziana vestita di nero che parla portoghese stentato con forte accento abbruzzese sembra uscire da un film del dopoguerra italiano.
Ma la ultra settantenne con viso raggrinzito e simpático che parla con la figlia, bella signora brasiliana di mezza età, è lo specchio di questo Brasile moderno.
Per una strana combinazione l'aeroporto internazionale Luiz Eduardo Magalhães di Salvador è vicino a "Little Abruzzi" dove vive una delle maggiori comunità abruzzesi outside Italy.

February 2007, Ilhéus (south of Bahia), area fields. A farmer with a face full of wrinkles speaks with a strong Neapolitan accent on the difficulties of cultivation of the fields this year. The son, a cute mulatto responds with a Neapolitan accent, "C'avimma ago Daddy?" arm and takes the beautiful blonde in the hinterland of Bahia.
In these two images shows the difference between emigration to Brazil and that in other countries. Italians emigrated to Brazil, as the nice seventy, are now in Brazil, live with confidence the relationship with the motherland, which has forgotten them quickly labeling them as "poor immigrants".
Children of immigrants Italians in Brazil are part of the local community. I am 100% Brazilian, not Italian.

The recent controversy flared up in Italy on the Italians in Brazil and the need to close the rhetoric of emigration was triggered by another seventy, a famous columnist for the Corriere.

And the irony of this is that the summary of the controversy is to quickly forget the folk figure of the emigrant twentieth century, started with the classic cardboard suitcase.
This is because Brazil has changed, is different, is a unitary country.
And this is true, there is no country in the world more integrated in Brazil.

the mixture of races of languages, religions, especially that we see here in Bahia, there is no country in the world.

All right? Forget the emigrants?
Well no, because there are still many, are very much alive, are Italian and are forgotten by the 'Italy.

Did you know that many long-time immigrants are in a situation of complete destitution?
Did you know that those Italians who have suffered all we can, are aged in a foreign land and forgotten by their families and their homeland, they are still many, especially in Bahia?
Did you know that very few of them are registered with AIRE, which for the 'Italy still live in the Old Continent, if they still have the record in the country of origin?

But then what is the reason for the deep disaffection with the motherland "heart and soul"?

Two steps to the House of 'Italy, the last bastion of Italian Salvador de Bahia, gives a picture of the dropout situation prevailing in the Italian community.

The Italian presence in Bahia, institutional and commercial, it leaves much to be desired.
The honorary consulate, "hosted" by the House of 'Italy is still the bastion of the doubt indissoluble honorary consul Pisanu. Asked about his financial management at the Court of Auditors in Rome are still left unanswered.

Offices Commercial Embassy of Brasilia, apprised of activities of Italian investment in Bahia, is not responding. It seems to be back in time, when the Italian government was responding to hard-nosed or ignored the requests submitted.

Fortunately there is a happy exception in order and polite behavior of the Consul in Rio de Janeiro Massimo Bellelli, which always responds to questions from the press time.

Why then should a woman over seventy Abruzzo believe in his own country, when still a certified public pillory is compelled to row in the hot weather in El Salvador out of the House of 'Italy?

And the other Italian institutions, political parties who are trying to expand its presence abroad to grow the presence of Parliament?

Attempts to establish a subsidiary of DS in Salvador have been struck down by the dictates of the political secretary of Brazil Andrea Lanzi. Here in Brazil it seems that the wave of reform of the Left parties did not cross the Atlantic and the concept of internal democracy does not exist.

Worse still are the Italian right-wing parties, which practically do not exist in Bahia.
And the ACLI, the charitable institutions, other institutions? With the exception of the ILO in Salvador do not exist, nor you plan to create them.

But because the community spagnola o portoghese a Bahia, come in altre parti del Brasile, è così forte, compatta, autoprotettrice, mentre quella italiana è disgregata nel Nordest brasiliano?

Perchè si tratta di una comunità che è partita povera, e lo è rimasta anche qui in Brasile. Mentre gli spagnoli o portoghesi dominano qualunque attività economica bahiana, gli italiani non sono importanti, con alcune notevoli eccezioni come l'ospedale São Rafael.
Gli italiani sono sperduti, diffidenti, addirittura hanno paura di registrarsi all'AIRE, (i giovani emigrati perchè temono di perdere i benefici fiscali in patria).

E allora qual'è la verità sulla "retorica dell'emigrazione Italian in Brazil?

the truth probably lies somewhere in between.

It 's true that the younger generation is Brazilian and not even speak Italian (and sometimes even want to).
E', however, also true that over seventy Arzilli Bahia Italians are alive and well and have the same right to respect and consideration from our beloved homeland of seventy there, some of them distinguished commentators on the Corriere della Sera.

(published April 2, 2007)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lucky Date Electro Refill

The jester of Italian

and finally 'solved. The perennial problem of migrants in conditions of extreme poverty. It adopts' the Final Solution. the last one. physiological ones.
1) we are talking about over sixty in poverty especially in the South American favelas;
2) if they have begun to speak in 1975 at the First National Conference on Emigration, as authoritatively confirmed Mr Bafile (I already 'dead in the past 30 years and who knows' how many migrants in the meantime);
3) it provides for the grant of the gradual progress of solidarity on the basis of which would not be immediately paid the monthly amount of 123 € but for the first year of law enforcement data would be € 90 per month, € 106.5 for the second year and you get only in the third year of the figure of € 123: if Bafile proposal and who knows when it will be 'approved, and with figures so' low as to seem made with humorous spirit,
the final solution looks like the following: We hope that these poor pass to a better life.
In fact, considering that the average life expectancy in Latin America (especially in the favelas) are unlikely to exceed 65 years, already 'our fellow citizens are deprived of such longevity um' for South American standards.
Add to this that the difficulties' approval of bills such as the honorable and cited the fragility 'of this government, and' clear that the proposed law (the real secret, but that is not revealed puo’ dedurre daí fatti citati), la soluzione del governo dell’Illustrissimo Danieli sembra essere:
facciamola finita com ‘sti vecchi, aspettiamo che crepino. In fondo dal 75 ad oggi la maggior parte gia’ se ne e’ andata, e’ solo questione di aspettare un poco perche’ anche gli ultimi si esauriscano.
Ma sapete qual’e’ l’ironia della sorte?
Che se, come nelle commedie medievali, un giullare invertisse i destini di alcuni degli ultrasettantenni poveri indigenti (próprio in Sudamerica) con quelli di alcuni illustri rappresentanti di questi che siedono al Parlamento della loro stessa eta’, questi ora vivrebbero nelle favelas sudamericane e la soluzione saline would be adopted for them. Therefore
luck for them that these things happen only in comedies, but never say never in life.

(article published October 28, 2007)

Lucky Date Electro Refill

The jester of Italian

and finally 'solved. The perennial problem of migrants in conditions of extreme poverty. It adopts' the Final Solution. the last one. physiological ones.
1) we are talking about over sixty in poverty especially in the South American favelas;
2) if they have begun to speak in 1975 at the First National Conference on Emigration, as authoritatively confirmed Mr Bafile (I already 'dead in the past 30 years and who knows' how many migrants in the meantime);
3) it provides for the grant of the gradual progress of solidarity on the basis of which would not be immediately paid the monthly amount of 123 € but for the first year of law enforcement data would be € 90 per month, € 106.5 for the second year and you get only in the third year of the figure of € 123: if Bafile proposal and who knows when it will be 'approved, and with figures so' low as to seem made with humorous spirit,
the final solution looks like the following: We hope that these poor pass to a better life.
In fact, considering that the average life expectancy in Latin America (especially in the favelas) are unlikely to exceed 65 years, already 'our fellow citizens are deprived of such longevity um' for South American standards.
Add to this that the difficulties' approval of bills such as the honorable and cited the fragility 'of this government, and' clear that the proposed law (the real secret, but that is not revealed puo’ dedurre daí fatti citati), la soluzione del governo dell’Illustrissimo Danieli sembra essere:
facciamola finita com ‘sti vecchi, aspettiamo che crepino. In fondo dal 75 ad oggi la maggior parte gia’ se ne e’ andata, e’ solo questione di aspettare un poco perche’ anche gli ultimi si esauriscano.
Ma sapete qual’e’ l’ironia della sorte?
Che se, come nelle commedie medievali, un giullare invertisse i destini di alcuni degli ultrasettantenni poveri indigenti (próprio in Sudamerica) con quelli di alcuni illustri rappresentanti di questi che siedono al Parlamento della loro stessa eta’, questi ora vivrebbero nelle favelas sudamericane e la soluzione saline would be adopted for them. Therefore
luck for them that these things happen only in comedies, but never say never in life.

(article published October 28, 2007)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wholesale Valentines Stuff

poor Italians abroad: and 'over?

"Dear Max tell me one thing: why 'keep writing about Italian-Brazilians and the Italians abroad? Can not you see that many now do not you publish, you say inconvenient things that do not get anything to tell the truth '? ". Who sits in front of me in boteco (bar poor) Italian reporters in Sao Paulo and 'my friend and squat low to the rural south. But another reporter, lanky Nordic adds: "Max, I do not see that and 'over? That Italians abroad are more 'anything? Which are used merely for electoral purposes, and that eventually will be 'taken away from them the right to vote representatives abroad? With your background you should write about finance, a thousand other things, rather than of Italians abroad. " The climate is' very full of depression and to alleviate this just a warm-tropical African cervejinha (beer) cold.
"The truth 'is that we are at the end of the race. Italians abroad have been fashionable for a certain period of time but now it 's pretty much over for them. Ne 'it right' from the left, a 'no signal for them. Only silence. And only a few honest reporters say. The rest in a lavish praise and scrambling to deny that 'from clear: one of us Italians abroad do not give anything to anyone, "added Roman accent with his friend from the bottom.
"And you see the figures that dominate the landscape of Italians abroad in Italian politics. With very few exceptions emerita of value, it seems to return before the time of tangentopoli in Italy. Half figures sometimes sinister, bright boy and processors in the 'last hour, people who are elected abroad and now they are applying in Italy' cause they have sensed the current climate and want to avoid losing the seat. Not to mention cheaters do not know how authentic arrived in Parliament. And the irony of fate, you know what 's? Who live outside of Italy some of the best Italians, who were sought by large corporations or institutions to work because they 'lacked appropriate skills in these countries. And old emigrants, of great value that they have dedicated their lives to earn a living honestly. But both classes are held away from politics. It seems that they think it is a murky thing. And as you can 'blame them considering the figures moving in that of the Italians abroad? "Asked the stocky and low type.

And with that question I leave you my dear readers. I'm honestly thinking to stop writing. How to tell my colleagues, it seems a difficult struggle and learn. But this 'and that' worse, useless. The 'new' and 'how old or worse. The levers are new and brilliant marginalized more and more 'politics of Italians abroad. Grew and became strong people of questionable quality '. There are very valid elements that work hard and honestly. But they themselves lack confidence. Why
'continue to write because'?

Wholesale Valentines Stuff

poor Italians abroad: and 'over?

"Dear Max tell me one thing: why 'keep writing about Italian-Brazilians and the Italians abroad? Can not you see that many now do not you publish, you say inconvenient things that do not get anything to tell the truth '? ". Who sits in front of me in boteco (bar poor) Italian reporters in Sao Paulo and 'my friend and squat low to the rural south. But another reporter, lanky Nordic adds: "Max, I do not see that and 'over? That Italians abroad are more 'anything? Which are used merely for electoral purposes, and that eventually will be 'taken away from them the right to vote representatives abroad? With your background you should write about finance, a thousand other things, rather than of Italians abroad. " The climate is' very full of depression and to alleviate this just a warm-tropical African cervejinha (beer) cold.
"The truth 'is that we are at the end of the race. Italians abroad have been fashionable for a certain period of time but now it 's pretty much over for them. Ne 'it right' from the left, a 'no signal for them. Only silence. And only a few honest reporters say. The rest in a lavish praise and scrambling to deny that 'from clear: one of us Italians abroad do not give anything to anyone, "added Roman accent with his friend from the bottom.
"And you see the figures that dominate the landscape of Italians abroad in Italian politics. With very few exceptions emerita of value, it seems to return before the time of tangentopoli in Italy. Half figures sometimes sinister, bright boy and processors in the 'last hour, people who are elected abroad and now they are applying in Italy' cause they have sensed the current climate and want to avoid losing the seat. Not to mention cheaters do not know how authentic arrived in Parliament. And the irony of fate, you know what 's? Who live outside of Italy some of the best Italians, who were sought by large corporations or institutions to work because they 'lacked appropriate skills in these countries. And old emigrants, of great value that they have dedicated their lives to earn a living honestly. But both classes are held away from politics. It seems that they think it is a murky thing. And as you can 'blame them considering the figures moving in that of the Italians abroad? "Asked the stocky and low type.

And with that question I leave you my dear readers. I'm honestly thinking to stop writing. How to tell my colleagues, it seems a difficult struggle and learn. But this 'and that' worse, useless. The 'new' and 'how old or worse. The levers are new and brilliant marginalized more and more 'politics of Italians abroad. Grew and became strong people of questionable quality '. There are very valid elements that work hard and honestly. But they themselves lack confidence. Why
'continue to write because'?

1920 Quotes About Cigarettes

Di Girolamo, the shame of Italians abroad

"Dear Max Baptists always writing about the case, and you're right. However, to speak of Italians abroad you must also talk about other cases. What do you think of the case of Jerome? "He asks my player from Belgium.
remember the wonderful Belgium, where decades ago I studied at the famous College of Europe in Bruges (deemed to be the best school in the world for studies on the European Union), I recognize that the case of Jerome makes me ashamed to be Italian. Ironically for someone like me who 's always been proud of being Italian. However, this' who taught at the College of Europe on the formation of a European future was based on a simple principle: respect for the law, at least those basics. Di Girolamo and the case is otherwise. Represents the cheat all the rules on which democracy rests. No surprise that when it comes to abolish the elected representatives of the Italian abroad, the first case that is cited and 'always on his own.

It must be admitted. With a few exceptions here and show what 'has always been evident in Italy. When it comes to defending their colleagues, solidarity 'and caste' fierce. But let's step back.

We see that the site says about Wikipedia's "Sen. abusive" by Jerome
"In the 2008 election is a candidate for the People of Freedom in the foreign jurisdiction. However, Jerome is not, at the time of application, residing abroad, but have applied for residence in Belgium only the May 8, 2008, after the elections. Therefore missing requirements for the election. To this the judge for preliminary investigations of the Court of Rome has asked for Jerome's arrest on charges of having violated the political rights of citizens, false statement or representation to an officer about his identity, ideological falsehood committed by public officials determined at public deception altruism, competition in ideological falsehood committed by public officials in public documents, falsification of documents in the contest for electoral operations determined altruism deception, conspiracy to abuse of office, falsification of documents for the electoral process, false statements about its generality.
In September 2008, the Senate, however, does not grant authorize the arrest, the evidence against him, however, are used by the same council to propose the loss of the seat as a senator.
On 29 January 2009, the Assembly of the Senate - rejected the proposal to postpone the discussion on the loss of the seat - has chosen to reverse the proposal of the Executive, which has been ordered to review the case and bring it back in the Assembly until after the criminal sentence final. "

At this point it 'clear that if even one as Tremaglia (PDL) defines the case of Jerome" a shame "means an abomination and against the rules of democracy is going on.

But we come to solidarity 'caste. On 24 September, with il voto segreto al Senato questi sono stati i risulati sull’arresto di Di Girolamo: 204 no all’arresto (Pdl, Lega, Pd, Udc), soltanto 43 sì (IdV e qualche pidino sciolto).

E allora diciamocelo francamente. Quello che conta e’ la solidarieta’ di casta. Come nel caso Di Girolamo. E allora evitiamo di incolpare gi italiani all’estero per le vergogne nazionali. Come quella della solidarieta’ di casta per il caso di Girolamo.

1920 Quotes About Cigarettes

Di Girolamo, the shame of Italians abroad

"Dear Max Baptists always writing about the case, and you're right. However, to speak of Italians abroad you must also talk about other cases. What do you think of the case of Jerome? "He asks my player from Belgium.
remember the wonderful Belgium, where decades ago I studied at the famous College of Europe in Bruges (deemed to be the best school in the world for studies on the European Union), I recognize that the case of Jerome makes me ashamed to be Italian. Ironically for someone like me who 's always been proud of being Italian. However, this' who taught at the College of Europe on the formation of a European future was based on a simple principle: respect for the law, at least those basics. Di Girolamo and the case is otherwise. Represents the cheat all the rules on which democracy rests. No surprise that when it comes to abolish the elected representatives of the Italian abroad, the first case that is cited and 'always on his own.

It must be admitted. With a few exceptions here and show what 'has always been evident in Italy. When it comes to defending their colleagues, solidarity 'and caste' fierce. But let's step back.

We see that the site says about Wikipedia's "Sen. abusive" by Jerome
"In the 2008 election is a candidate for the People of Freedom in the foreign jurisdiction. However, Jerome is not, at the time of application, residing abroad, but have applied for residence in Belgium only the May 8, 2008, after the elections. Therefore missing requirements for the election. To this the judge for preliminary investigations of the Court of Rome has asked for Jerome's arrest on charges of having violated the political rights of citizens, false statement or representation to an officer about his identity, ideological falsehood committed by public officials determined at public deception altruism, competition in ideological falsehood committed by public officials in public documents, falsification of documents in the contest for electoral operations determined altruism deception, conspiracy to abuse of office, falsification of documents for the electoral process, false statements about its generality.
In September 2008, the Senate, however, does not grant authorize the arrest, the evidence against him, however, are used by the same council to propose the loss of the seat as a senator.
On 29 January 2009, the Assembly of the Senate - rejected the proposal to postpone the discussion on the loss of the seat - has chosen to reverse the proposal of the Executive, which has been ordered to review the case and bring it back in the Assembly until after the criminal sentence final. "

At this point it 'clear that if even one as Tremaglia (PDL) defines the case of Jerome" a shame "means an abomination and against the rules of democracy is going on.

But we come to solidarity 'caste. On 24 September, with il voto segreto al Senato questi sono stati i risulati sull’arresto di Di Girolamo: 204 no all’arresto (Pdl, Lega, Pd, Udc), soltanto 43 sì (IdV e qualche pidino sciolto).

E allora diciamocelo francamente. Quello che conta e’ la solidarieta’ di casta. Come nel caso Di Girolamo. E allora evitiamo di incolpare gi italiani all’estero per le vergogne nazionali. Come quella della solidarieta’ di casta per il caso di Girolamo.